UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

I am aware of family members that are/ were bipolar, narcissistic (maybe even malignant N), manipulative, with abandonment issues/anxiety (will strike out), that have very destructive (including vindictive) behavior in relationships and they are NOT substance abuse addicts. The personality disorders are the issue with them. I understand with narcissistic personality disorders there is no easy cure (other than distance from them.) An issue seems to be that malignant narcissists are not likely to want to change, due to the nature of their disorder.


If only it was that simple
If you think people actually choose the lifestyle and physical damage addiction causes, youā€™re nuts.


My one bio sibling is an addict
My other half sibling and I are not.
I would be and could be very easily.
I donā€™t drink, because when I did it was for the wrong reasons.
One advantage I had was seeing addiction destroy her and members of our family.
It still is a problem, because addict behavior can lingers after they enter recovery.

Itā€™s a very hard way to live, watching someone you love destroy themselves and the people around them.


No, I donā€™t think they choose the disorder, but I think they choose treatment.


Yes, I think it is a disorder, not a disease.


Sometimes you get so far from the edge of the abyss it can seem easier to just not climb out.


My brother was first an alcoholic then a crystal meth addict. Seeing his behaviour actually become worse, more hurtful and narcissistic since he became clean, I cut all contact with him a couple of years ago - long after supporting him through his journey to sobriety.
So yes the addiction can actually mask and lessen really hurtful behavioural traits in my experience.


Sobriety didnā€™t improve my sister in lawā€™s attitude for sure. She ended up substituting shopping for booze. Sobriety only gave her an excuse to deny remembering everything she did drunk.


I agree that basic personality issues predate addiction or substance abuse.

However even the loveliest person will, if they get addicted, generally display a number of unpleasant behaviours. They may lie or steal to get more substance, or to cover up how much they are using. They will get into trouble with responsibilities sooner rather than later. They will show personality changes under the influence. They may act in self destructive ways. Etc.

Yes, itā€™s the drugs or booze talking. But it doesnā€™t make it any easier to have these people in your life. Itā€™s a lot different than care taking a person with a physical disease.


Can someone please start another, different thread on addiction?


interesting that you include obesity as a choice - there are times it is a medical condition. Addiction isnt always a choice either. I dont believe anyone chooses addiction nor obesity. To call these ā€œchoicesā€ is very small minded.


Yes, please. Move the addiction discussion to Off Topic and letā€™s get this one back on track.


Well, this is currently a thread about watching an addict with a history of aggressive behavior have a meltdown on Reddit. Itā€™s not a thread about MB anymore because heā€™s just out living his life now. So if we are going to report back every delusional thing LK writes, the fact sheā€™s an addict and may relapse is relevant. Sheā€™s gone down into a small crevice of Reddit where sheā€™s talking in circles and making little sense. I guess itā€™s good to have a few people committed to keeping tabs on where sheā€™s at, but thereā€™s not much content there.


Talking about LK is not the same as discussing addiction in general.


Wow, Bestie K has said that all the Kā€™s are compiling a compilation of all the screenshots, video/audio recordings, etc., etc., etc and are going to put them on a (their?) YouTube channel.

Apparently, itā€™s not ready to go live yetā€¦ā€¦


Could be entertaining. I wonder if theyā€™ll include LKā€™s posts in those screenshots?


Iā€™m guessing the Netflix series isnā€™t going her way so she is resorting to another attempt at blackmail. Her drivel will be carefully curated to make LK and her pack of hyenas look good and MB and his supporters look like big meanies. Sounds like that cool quarter million is running out so she is going to try to scare MB into paying her hush money.

And I have never known of any other family whose very existence seems to thrive on creating or re-creating drama. Is it nature or nuture that makes them this way? :thinking:


Thatā€™s an interesting thought.

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Duh! Yaā€™think?

Will she make money from it? Would one have to subscribe to their personal channel?


Well, advertisers wouldnā€™t touch them with a ten foot pole!