UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

She may also be under the impression that NetFlix pays participants in their documentary series. Wrongo. Running on near empty perhaps.


It seemed like she was under the impression that Netflix or some other entity was eager to pay a fortune for her exclusive life rights to her story. But if itā€™s a strict documentary, no one is under any obligation to pay her for anything. Of course, the typical K Family scenario would be that theyā€™d have a temper tantrum and threaten to sue for defamation. But good luck with that.


The news documentary shows donā€™t pay for the subject, or anyone else they interview.

The only ones that pay were some of the talk shows (Dr. Phil paid six figures to the ā€˜foundationā€™ that the Casey Anthony parents had in payment for their interview, donā€™t ask me where that money went, it sends my blood pressure up when I think about it).

Dr. Shill as heā€™s known to a lot of people, had a lot of people on his show that he kissed up to.


Can you imagine Dr. Phil with LK? What a field day he would have with her! It would be like a month of shows!


ā€œA personality disorder is the inability to sustain non-manipulative and consistent positive behavior.ā€

Sandra Brown

Sounds like Lauren Shay Kanarek to me and likely to many others.


I find these statement so untrue as to be fiction.

Addiction is a DISEASE. There is NO cure. People maybe able to stop using alcohol or drugs but they remain addicted all there lives.

Research shows addiction, whether to alcohol, drugs or other things is a life-long disease.

Theories abound on the causes of addiction, such as trauma or brain disorders but there is consensus in the medical community that addiction is a chronic disease.

Addiction is defined as a disease by most medical associations, including the American Medical Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine . Like diabetes, cancer and heart disease, addiction is caused by a combination of factors.

I am astounded that people in this day and age believe addiction is a choice. How is this even possible.

Please let this thread get back to Michael Barisone!


Thank you for the posts on addiction. I do not suffer from this disease and the posts have helped me understand.


And now they will help everyone understand on a new thread. Somewhere. Not here. Please.


Weā€™ve been promised ā€œbombshellsā€ almost as often, and with equally empty result, as weā€™ve been promised ā€œnew, best ever, you wonā€™t believe it!ā€ Healthcare by her Mango emotional Twin.

With all the opportunity sheā€™s hadā€¦

ā€¦and 48Hoursā€¦

Weā€™re kidding ourselves to think thereā€™s any there there or that what she thinks is there will ever be shared. Because a national news show woulda been the perfect place to detonate them bombshells, toots. Butā€¦ Ya didnā€™t. Weird.


Revealing ones ID to the K Klan in the process?
No thank you.

I mean, that has to be why she refused to answer questions on 48Hours or give them those damning audio murder plot tapesā€¦ Because unedited to her whim, they fall flat.


She lies. Literally all the time. Lies.

Posts like that are intended to cause people worry and alarm. Itā€™s a weak attempt to control any narrative. The problem with crying ā€˜wolfā€™ so often is that people stop believing you.

So post away you wretched She-Beast.

Go ahead. Have at it. Show us what ya got.

Go ahead.


I suspect what really gets to the Ks is that MB has so much support - from COTH to the bathrobe wearing mob to the folks on YouTube and now to those on Reddit. LK has maybe 3 outside of her family? Fewer and fewer people believe her, however, the ongoing drama that she herself is perpetuating isnt flattering to her nor her sweaty attendant.



Poor Boo Boo.

I wonder if she ever got those cats spayed and nuetered?


The ones to which she ā€œdeathly allergicā€? Funny how she can wear cat fur now but couldnā€™t be bothered to literally lift a finger then to help neglected/starving kitties then. Taking photos =/= calling animal control.


Yep. Those are the ones

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If I had to wager a guess, she had to sign a buttload of NDAs in relation to any settlement that she has received. So, she can still talk a bunch of crap, but canā€™t actually release any ā€œbombshellsā€.

Bombshells that I do not and have never believed existed. Why would the prosecution use none of it during the trial? It makes absolutely no sense to not even attempt to get it admitted. Even if it were denied, the impression the jury gets watching the opposition fight to get it excluded often influences the eventual outcome. No prosecutor worth their diploma is not going to at least try to get damning evidence into the record, unless they donā€™t believe the validity of the evidence will hold up to evaluation or cross examination.

The only reason to hold that information is as a negotiating tool when selling her story. But there seems to be absolutely no one interested in her story after watching the blow-back when the Ks did not like the public response to the 48 Hours episode.

I did get a laugh out of Special K insider on Reddit talking about LK being allergic to cats. Considering all the photos of the rescue ones in her garage/car/house on IG.


Bingo. Schellhorn knew that most (all?) of that sort of evidence was either fabricated or was obtained illegally and that Bilinkas would blow holes in it big enough to drive the farm tractor through. Also, introducing evidence obtained via illegal recording of others would likely lead to someone in NJ-CIB and/or FBI asking questions as to why LK hadnā€™t been arrested for wiretrap violations.


At times, yes, every disorder has a non-choice component, but the gradual increased obesity of the American population over the last decade is not a medical phenomenaā€¦ it is a dietary choice.


Thank food manufacturers too.

It is quietly replacing the sugar in many packaged foods with sucralose , stevia , allulose, erythritol and a wide variety of other artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes .

The food industry says sugar substitutes help people manage their weight and reduce intake of added sugars. But studies suggest that fake sugars can also have unexpected effects on your gut and metabolic health and even promote food cravings and insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

Sorry - one more passage!

Sucralose and acesulfame potassium are regularly used in Greek yogurts, tortilla wraps and other foods served in school meals. Schools in some states have experimented with serving chocolate milk sweetened with a blend of sugar and monk fruit extract.