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Uptick in Educational videos by BNRs?

Anyone notice more educational videos being posted to social media by Big Name Riders? Recently I have noticed well done videos by both Boyd Martin and Phillip Dutton.

I know Piggy TV was displayed prominently at Maryland by Piggy herself & she did a barn tour with Boyd, I wonder if these new educational videos we are seeing is their teams working towards a Piggy TV type subscription service?

I hope it stays free & accessible, but I’ve found it interesting.

Who else has easily accessible educational videos?
Elisa Wallace (youtube, instagram, FB & Patreon),
Doug Payne is doing some through instagram (& instagram subscription).
Boyd (recently on social media)
Phillip (recently on social media)
Anyone else?


I’ve also been seeing Boyd’s videos on Tiktok

I love when Boyd posts his lessons or show warmup coaching! Those are great.


So they have actually hired PR teams. These teams do everything from negotiate contracts with sponsors, have the riders make videos, to curate videos themselves. There are a few smaller PR firms that strictly work with riders. I don’t know who Boyd is using, but from the quality of sone of the video content and editing I’m leaning towards a larger firm. (I almost wonder if the PR team hires a separate video crew.) If it’s a client filming for Boyd, props, but the cost of the video and cameras used to shoot that type of film is very expensive. (I’m pricing them now for my own platform)

You’d be surprised how many riders are using them. It’s a great asset for riders who may not be as skilled in social media or even just public-speaking. I’ve worked for BNTs and the PR would just send a monthly email of certain videos or photos they wanted us (the whole team) to take at the barn to send in. Then, that contact would curate the collage or set of images for Instagram posts. For my BNT they also managed her website.

I have a good friend, younger professional. She pays $400/month and in return her PR team negotiates the contracts with sponsors, and publish her posts. (They don’t film videos or take photos for her. She sends in photos/iphone videos to the firm for them to edit as well )

I really have no idea the branding contracts the riders above you are negotiating, but I assume the brand deals are compensating enough to make up the costs of those videos or hiring a PR team. With my BNT one of her brand deals covered the grain for her entire barn of horses which estimated about $45/55K/year savings because it included clients horses.

I’m a big fan of the whole gig, if we can bring in revenue to the sport that’s not coming out of our riders/owners pockets, bravo. If large brands want to contribute to our riders (or competitions), cheers. (By engaging - “liking”, “saving,” resharing those posts you are actually helping those riders too. (Which costs a second to do)


Boyd (and Silva) work with Incanto Sports, he links to an email address with them in his instagram bio. If I remember correctly, the company is led by women who had previously worked in social media/communications for USEF and went off on their own.

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Elisa’s husband builds online training content for a living. He has the skills and editing abilities to make her videos shine, though he’s seemingly scaled back his involvement. The ROI is likely pretty low. Not knocking anyone in saying that, but post-Johnny she’s not got quite the same value (presently).