Urine spots in pasture -- how to fix?

I found an older discussion about this, but it wasn’t super helpful so I thought I’d ask again.

Some of my horses like to pee in the same spot over and over again. In the pasture, this appears to have led to dead spots. I am wondering if this is because the grass is overwhelmed by too much nitrogen, like it would be with dog pee, or if it’s because of the salts in the urine. Either way, is there any way to neutralize it and make it so that grass will grow there? Or is there some kind of grass or ground cover I could plant there that would tolerate those conditions? In the spots that aren’t too bad, I’ve planted new grass and some of it has grown. But in the really bad spots the grass doesn’t want to grow at all. Not even moss wants to grow there.

I’m in the PNW in case it makes any difference.

Years ago I hauled out to a covered arena to ride my horse. He always had to stop and pee at the same spot before he loaded in the trailer. The grass there turned yellow and died. But by the next summer that grass was the lushest blue green color you have ever seen. I guess you could leave some of the grass taller and they would pee there, or make a sandpile for them to pee in. The other spots will repair themselves if the horses pee elsewhere.

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I just shovel a layer of topsoil over these spots.

But I usually have a dump truck load of screened topsoil delivered every few months. as I am slowly working at leveling the pastures, so a pile of soil is almost always handy.

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I would sprinkle some Sweet PDZ or Standlee Horse Fresh on these urine areas, these products are safe to use that the mineral function of the products neutralizes ammonia

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