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US dressage show score checker site

You can now lookup riders and horses as well as judge scores by level on http://www.dressagedetective.com :slight_smile:

Just info from USDF, right? Meh, it doesn’t always have older scores unless the rider turned in old tests to qualify for an award. Calling the site dressage detective is pretty weird.

Nice to see the judges name!!! It’s a little hard to follow (only looked at myself) since it bounces around between different horses and tests. It also lists my highest level in eventing (as my “highest level” at the top), but doesn’t show my eventing scores. I’m guessing 2016 scores will be included at some point to?

I just checked my scores and they are missing one of my I1 tests…

I appreciate the information on the judges scoring, but Centerline Scores goes back much further in my riding history, so that’s probably still where I’d go to check scores on riders and horses.

You might want to check again- probably just a level filter issue. Should be fixed now

It also lists my highest level in eventing (as my “highest level” at the top), but doesn’t show my eventing scores. I’m guessing 2016 scores will be included at some point to?[/QUOTE]

all 2016 scores are there (not including this last weekend). A new default sort shows newest at top now.

Also- how can an eventing test display in USDF show results?

all 2016 scores are there (not including this last weekend). A new default sort shows newest at top now.

Also- how can an eventing test display in USDF show results?[/QUOTE]

Looks like its being worked on! 2016 is there, my highest level is now blank with some symbols, and my highest score is now correct. The new default sort makes more sense.

I wouldn’t expect USDF results to show eventing scores, hence why it was strange that my highest level competed said “intermediate”, which was my highest eventing level, not my highest dressage level. Probably just a glitch, that was a coincidence.

I like that it shows the judges, which Centerlinescores does not.

My page has a few glitches. There’s a weird order to it where it lists the horse I have now, then my previous horse, then back to the one I have now. The rides aren’t listed consecutively so it’s a little confusing when you read it top to bottom.

And it reports at the top of the page that my first show was in 2010, but I never showed until 2013-- so that is a little strange. No biggie, both USDF and centerlinescores have niggling small errors on my score reports, as well. It’s a lot of data to track and there’re bound to be blips.

Appreciate the judges’ averages shown here! We all were bitching about ridiculously low scores from a judge at a recent Region 8 show. So I looked here up, and sure enough, her average scores are notably lower than six other judges that I looked up!

You might want to check again- probably just a level filter issue. Should be fixed now[/QUOTE]

Still just one I1 score. I found my second I1 score when I did a search by my horse. I rode I1 in a FEI Test of Choice class, so that wouldn’t show up if I filtered by level I guess. However, both of my I1 scores show up in Centerline Scores under the I1 test, which I like better. I’ve not renewed with USDF this year so I can’t double check my score is recorded in their database correctly, so if someone wants to do that for me I’ll give you my name by PM.

If this is the same website that’s been around for a while just updated, I have used it to check out average scores from judges I haven’t ridden for before. I appreciate that it’s been updated for the judge information.