I have an Erreplus saddle here on trial, and it fits my really nicely, which is a huge struggle with my looong femur. I think it might work for my mare with some adjustment to the flocking, but would like to know that there would be an option to widen it a bit if needed. I did try getting in touch with the company about this but never heard back. I’m not sure if they’re similar enough to Prestige or other saddles that are adjusted with a heat press. I would say back to the drawing board, but I’m a year into this saddle search and have been unsuccessful with two attempts at putting me in a new saddle that will fit my leg following in-person consultation. I am able to work with local fitters for hands-on flocking adjustments, it’s just the contingency for widening the tree a bit that is worrying me.
Mine is shipping out to have the tree widened tomorrow! Sagmae is doing mine (I did buy it from them). They don’t really service my area but were basically the only US rep when I bought mine a number of years ago (I did reach out to the person who does my area now but got no response from her). Where are you located? I have contact info for a few Erreplus reps, not just my local one.
Our local independent fitter is qualified by the Society of Master Saddlers and she’s who suggested I have it widened so she did a tracing for me that I’m sending out with it based on the instructions from Sagmae.
I believe it is similar to the Prestige tree (the founder was the R&D director at Prestige for a long time) but I’m unwilling to test the theory with our local Prestige fitter because I don’t want to screw up my saddle by accident. Sagmae told me I’ll have it back before they head to Florida the second half of this month so I can report back on how the adjustment went in a couple of weeks.
Thanks so much for the info! I am in Idaho, so we don’t have a lot of options locally.
I was able to do a full ride today and my mare seemed to love it. None of the canter stickiness that we’ve been going another round on recently, and she felt much better in her canter half passes, and just going sideways in general, so I’m going to take a chance on keeping it.
Its the same as prestige and uses the same press
Good to know! We used to have a Prestige rep come through a few times a year; not sure if they still do, but I’ll keep an ear out.
Patty Barnett in CT (East Crow Saddlery) has the press for the synthetic trees – Prestige, Kieffer, etc.