Hi all,
I’m intensely interested in this Competition Calendar debate stuff, so I watched the webinar today and took notes. As a public service, I went ahead and put them on a Google Doc here if you’d like to see them: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tr_bJiAEmhydo6WQjv82JCrRYylSzT-DgqRmYbn8k08/edit?usp=sharing
Warning - it’s very much my rough notes from frantic typing!
Additionally some highlights for those who don’t want to parse my short hand and misspellings or spend an hour+ watching the recording:
- Tom O’Mara really wants everyone’s feedback. If he said that once, he said it 100 times. You can email them at CompetitionsTaskForce@usef.org.
- They gave good details on what the current rules are and how they work, but it felt woefully light on how they are moving forward. They kept talking about the Task Force they are creating, but they couldn’t even give a clear answer on how they are selecting people to participate.
- Moroney emphasized the rules, regulations, dispute process, etc. as to why they are worried about the standards at WEC. Further, they did advise FEI not to allow competitors, officials, etc. to participate at WEC, but that is a decision for FEI.
- O’Mara noted that data in the past few years shows that shows have grown and expanded under the mileage rule. But he cited shows like Tryon, Saugerties, Split Rock. No reference to smaller shows.
- They seem eager to put in a more robust competition feedback system.
- About 10% of competitions annually apply for an exemption to the mileage rule – about 80% have been approved. When a show gets an exemption year after year, that can trigger reevaluation and consideration of a more permanent solution.
There were also a couple polls, so I’m going to attach screen shots of those below.
This was a bit “mileage rule 101,” but I do appreciate them putting themselves out there for this discussion at least. It seems like it took a true uproar to get things moving, but maybe they are.
I’ll keep an eye on this to answer questions if you have them.
(Although, if I felt safe traveling this winter to show, I’d be at WEC )