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USHJA Launches Blue Ribbon Commission

Good grief. The person who complained better never go to a fancy dress class in this country. Anyone remember Adam and Eve at Washington??!!


I thought this was great . Costume class and he didn’t have a costume, so he improvised.

WARNING Naked Man on Horse Takes a little signing in, so no one will have to see anything that shocks them. :wink:


At least he was wearing a hard hat 🤷


FFS. I mean, was he someone I’d’ve wanted to see do that? Maybe not (tastes differ). But set him down? That’s insane.

Does anyone else remember the streaker at the …umm… 1977? DC International? That was amazing!

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The video I linked to was from many years ago, not the recent “mankini” video that seems to have one person upset.

As the news lady in the interview mentioned, will there now be “objections” to male riders dressing up as female characters in costume classes?

The gentleman’s personal bits were covered.

If you or your children are so shocked by a man in a bathing suit, have you (or they) been so sheltered that they have never seen people in bathing suits? If so, then you need to get out more often. There is really nothing there to freak out about.

It’s a Costume class is an easy explanation to kiddos I think.

It’s a bathing suit. It’s hard to imagine that any parents in Australia would be unable to explain to their kids that the man is wearing a bathing suit in a costume class. If parents have been to Australian beaches with their kiddos, they’ve seen the same thing, and much more of ladies anatomy.


I remember the streaking phenomenon back in the day.

Remember how baseball parks in the U.S. had an organist playing live, between innings and such?

I’ll never forget watching the game when a man streaked (ran naked) across the infield and the organist immediately began playing “Is That All There Is?”


It sounds like an automatic temporary suspension while the matter is being investigated.

I would be pretty surprised if the outcome is a full on suspension, but I’m not from Australia, so I’m not familiar with their process.

We shall see, I guess.

That was quick.

Official statement for those who don’t do Facebook.



The horse industry as a whole has gone mad. Excessive longeing, riding, meds, limited water, endless classes, spur holes, head injuries, medieval bitting rigs…
Sure wish stewards were assigned. That might make a difference. Sure wish the USDA would actually protect horses with the Horse Protection Act.
Shame on the people out there riding on a Monday. Give the staff and the horses a rest.


I knew an operation in Florida years ago that made sure they always sent the tack room keys home with somebody who had the day off on Monday.

So if anyone wanted to ride on a Monday, they could ride bareback with a halter and two lead ropes. I don’t think that ever happened. Lol.


But wait. There’s more.

The story even made The NY Times. And one of the sponsors is going to give out mankinis to all the spectators at that event the next time.

Gift link:


Some needed levity…


This just in: We’re renaming the commission! (I don’t remember what the new name is :woman_facepalming:)

Pretty sure it was something like “Hunter Jumper Commission on Equine Welfare”
Mary’s explanation of the name change was pretty much word for word from this thread’s discussion on it



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