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Using a fly sheet to protect a blanket?

My mare’s blankets have gotten ripped big-time thanks to a pasture mate. I have read that one can put a fly sheet over a blanket to protect it from rips. Can someone explain this set up?

Any other suggestions other than using a product like RAP Last?

I suspect that a SmartPack Ultimate blanket is in my future for next year.

Thanks in advance.

The Kensington hard plasticy-type fly sheet is what I use. Just put it on over your existing blanket or sheet. I use one over my Gore-tex sheets and blankets and works great.

I have used textilene fly sheets over top of nylon or cotton sheets for years, because they stop the sheets underneath from being ripped and torn. That’s my go-to combination when the temperatures become too warm for spring clothes, but remain too cool for just a fly sheet.