Using The Antique Vehicle

Husband has a driving lesson Saturday and has decided to use the antique, slat-sided Phaeon because he also wants to use it later for the Club Attelage Drive in July. Thinks he needs some more tips on driving Luke to get his best results.

We have not driven any Singles in years, so this should be fun! There is a drive on trails section, a Cones section and I think a dessage section, with people dressed up. Need to carry appropriate spares too. Hope it isn’t too hot in July!

Luke looks quite nice in front, it was made tor a tall horse. We drove our first Cleveland Partbreds to it as a Single and a Pair. They sure looked good out front! Being elderly it gives the Grampa-mobile ride, cushy as it sways around corners. It is about my favorite vehicle, got it at an Auction as the “chicken wagon.” They thought the slat sides were to keep the chickens in the rear! It was full of raccoon poop, which flew out as we drove it home in the back of the pickup truck!! No tail-gaters that day!

Husband had gone thru the Auction misc pile of poles and shafts, found the proper goosenecked shafts and the board with hardware for the back seat. So it was complete when we took it in for restoration. We later added a splinter bar for use with the Pair and he made it a new, fixed pole that matches the natural wood stain. This is a UK made vehicle. Husband had oiled the wheels before use today, no grease for this baby. I think I may need a parasol for riding in it!! Ha ha


:grin:Oh, you definitely need a parasol! :open_umbrella:
I’d suggest a bustle as well, but that wouldn’t be seen while you were “passenging” :wink:
Will Mr Goodhors be wearing Owner or Hired Help headwear?

Vehicle sounds lovely :star_struck:
Pls post a pic? :pray:
Who did the restoration?
Leroy Martin in Napanee has done some beautiful work.

For myself, I daydream of a Pony-sized wicker Governess cart :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Though I imagine sitting sideways could get uncomfortable for anything but a short drive :hushed:

Wishing you a Cooler Than Usual July!

He will be wearing Owner jacket, gloves, tan slacks, laprobe, felt hat of some sort. I get the ''stable livery" groom clothes. Maybe I could whip out the parasol after judging is done! Ha ha

We will have to dig out the leather harness and polish it up, which will have it ready for the August Metamora CDE Weekend. Luke is going for that, but maybe only the CT day, because he is not super fit and STILL carrying extra weight plus a lot of hair we don’t want to body clip off. In heat/high humidity (common) that can be a hard marathon. Weather is SO weird with heat and cold! 40f last Friday night, had to put my potted plants in the shed to prevent possible freezing!! Luke is also still learning the needed moves for dressage so his hazard driving won’t be ready yet. He is a thinker, improves with a few run thrus, but it is a lot to get understood after years of being driven on a loose rein in any body carriage. Still likes his snaffle, curb bit seems to remove his forward. We are alternating between the two, thinking more exposure will make him more comfortable with it.

A friend did the restoration work. Did wonderful work. Everything was solid, with one broke slat that he replaced. Old varnish had withdrawn to look like alligator hide. It is plenty old, we figure 1890s. Made by May and Jacobs of Guildford, England. He had to mix the stain since there were so many kinds of wood involved, needed them to all come out the same color. Wheels were repainted the original deep navy with a stripe. We thought they were black! He said no after scraping the paint a bit. Had them rerubbered after painting. It has two sets of cushions, one for showing, wool Bedford cord that almost never sees the light of day in protective covers! The daily set is brown naugahyde and ultrsuede on the driver’s wedge seat. That stands up to kid finger prints, drips with ice cream cones on them quite well. We used to hit the Dairy Queen pretty regular after a family drive when the kids were small.

We have taken wheels to Mr Martin several times, he does good work. He also did work on a carriage we sold to a COTH member years ago. The carriage got picked up there and delivered to her in GA, I believe. She had fun with it.

I will try to get some pictures, husband says he wants some. For some reason a photo seems to give you a better “look” at things than doing it in person! I thought horse and carriage looked good last night, though he was not sure he liked the shaft height. Being lighter wood, gently curved, they are a big contrast to horse color, quite different to the marathon type, short shafts he has been using on a borrowed vehicle. Now to see what a photo tells us!

Those Governess carts are SOOO cute, but like you said, riding twisted does not look fun! I found sidesaddle riding to be similar. Needing to twist from waist down for legs aside, straight forward from waist up, to be correct, was not real comfortable on long rides. And you need to do long rides to get familiar, build muscle memory, STAMINA to hold that position over time. I got fairly good at it, but no place to use this skill back then. So I sold the saddle. Horse said “finally!” Ha ha


2Dogs Farm Managed to get some photos this AM. Just working in the ring. Ignore weird looking hind legs, his REALLY fluffy, long tail gets swept forward at times, making a blur.

Second picture is closer up of the vehicle, not horse. Just a fun ride! Husband remarked today how much he enjoyed driving it again! Wheels really sparkle in the sun at the trot, looks like the cartoons with a couple horizontal lines between rim and hub and no spokes, to emphasize speed



Wow! That is beautiful.


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Huh? It has been the United Kingdom since 1801.

Janet Thanks for that correction! My apologies!! Just having makers put England on the hubs led me to believe the location name used, was how everyone referred to the “country” at that time. So many ways to “say it wrongly” in referencing things there! Ha ha

Yes, England was part ofthe UK, but they didn’t bother to put it on the hubs. Not much chance of it being confused with a different “England”

Sorry for the delayed reply :disappointed:
Wowza! :heart_eyes:
That carriage is bee-yoo-teeful!
And Luke is one goodlookin’ horse!!
You’ll be a very proper groom for DH :sunglasses:
If Metamora wasn’t 4h from me, I’d want to spectate.

I have zero plans to show this Summer.
Getting OLD seems to have doubled (trebled?) the effort it takes for me to do the prep work needed to get to any showgrounds.
I’ve even given up the County Fair since the Society show is the first weekend in August.
Fairgrounds is a mere 5+mi from home, but…

I’ve done it since 2015, first with a friend’s Saint of a pony, then starting in 2017 with Bugs.
But in 2021, I found myself wondering why I needed to get so dressed up (though I do love the hats :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) in the heat. And deal with the getting to & home from by myself.
All for the mediocre judging - this is QH/WP land, Driving judges are hen’s teeth.
Now I go to hang at a friend’s camper, eat Fair food & watch friends show :wink:

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