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Using Uber to get to WEG

I have tickets for Eventing. I live about an hour away from TIEC. I am wondering if driving part way there and then Uber’ing to TIEC would be smarter than trying to drive in. I am worried that the demand for Uber will be high and it will be hard to use it- is that a valid concern? I wonder how close/far I would want to drive to then get picked up by Uber. I have friends 15-20 minutes away from TIEC where I could park. Has anyone else given Uber a thought? Would love advice!

I imagine the uber line will back up just as far as the parking line both coming and going. If you need to go 20 minutes during a peak event you’ll likely spend $12-25 each direction depending on how high rates climb and the wait time may be 30+ minutes. I don’t think it is a bad idea. I also don’t think it will be a significantly better experience. However, I’m interested in keeping an ear on the first few days to hear reports and then adjust accordingly.

It’s a pretty rural area. Do they even have Uber?


I’ve shown there. You are out in the middle of nowhere. You could possibly get an Uber in Asheville to take you there, but good luck getting rides around the venue.

My guess is that while uber/lyft are unlikely to exist there now, today, normally, that there might be a way to alert people who would like to do that driving that there’s a short term opportunity…

Rather than an uber you might be better off coordinating with a large group of people who are also staying where you are for a minibus or something.

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Out of curiosity I looked on my Uber app yesterday when I was up that way. I checked it in Saluda and also around Campobello (both locations about 20" from TIEC). There were cars available- about 15" away and the quote was $35. So it would definitely make it more expensive and the gridlock would be just as bad. I’ll just be my own Uber driver for WEG. Was worth a shot!

I just posted on the WEG page under the updated policies. I’m not sure if I’ll get a response but I wanted to at least try and articulate my concerns/concerns that have been shared here. I’m going to be heartbroken and unbelievably upset if I show up and get turned away because a lot is full, have to get a car towed out of slick clay if we get a few days of rain, or have to pay a $35+ uber because the shuttle shut down 2.5 hours after the event ended but the line for the shuttle was 4 hours long.

I doubt seriously that the shuttle service will shut down while there are still people waiting to be shuttled back to the parking lot. As for the full parking lot, I share your concern. My understanding (directly from Polk County’s Emergency Services Director ) is that the only designated parking lot for spectators can hold 10,000 cars. That should be sufficient for most days, however, a lot depends on how many people are in each car. Peak days are supposed to have 20,000 to 30,000 spectators. Assuming an average of 2 persons per car, the lot should accommodate about 20,000 people.