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Uterus Prolapse and how it affects riding - better after hysterectomy? Help 😭

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 3 uterus prolapse. My bladder is also leaking and well, I have a Laparoscopic hysterectomy booked in one months time.

Obviously this didn’t just happen and has been an issue I didn’t realise I had until now that it’s much worse.

I’m 34, although had a baby when I was 18 and he was quite big. I did not really ride for many years after having my child. In fact, I barely did anything active. Hence my pelvic floor saying “byyyye”

Anyway. For the past 2 years or more I really have been struggling to engage my core muscles and ride effectively. Is this because my uterus has been prolapsing? I thought riding would have helped to strengthen these muscles. But as time has gone by, my riding has only gone backwards. My posture sucks, I can’t flow with the canter etc. I have zero core.

I guess my question is, how much does having an organ prolapse actually affect riding ability? And, those who have had surgery, did it help? What sort of rehab did you need to get back into riding and did your riding get better post surgery?

I really would appreciate honest responses. Did a hysterectomy ruin riding completely for you?

I am no help with the prolapse part.
I am sorry you are going thru all that. It sounds uncomfortable.
I am glad you have surgery scheduled.

I can answer this question.

Not at all!
Once healed from the surgery, not having a uterus did not make the slightest difference to my riding.


I had your problem, but was close to 70.
Mine was caused by a mass seen in there.
Doctors were thinking a tumor, it was not, but some intestines that slipped in there thu a rent in the lining.
I call my surgeon a miracle worker, he pushed intestines back in place and sewed tear, then took uterus and ovaries out and sewed bladder into place, all vaginally.
They also do it today with robots if they don’t expect complications, as they did with me.

Having a total pelvic floor reconstruction was fine and recovered quickly.
Riding will improve immediately, once you don’t worry about using your seat and cause prolapse.


have you consulted with a Urogynocologist? They are the ones who deal with pelvic floor issues. Proper PT from someone they work with may be able to help you correct some long term issues and regain yourself post op.


Yes I have the best in the country and he will be preforming the hysterectomy - I was just wondering what other people’s experiences may have been x


Thank you! Very informative :heart:

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I was diagnosed with uterine prolapse and waited until it got very bad to have hysterectomy—-all but ovaries removed last December. Wish I’d have done it years ago. Absolutely zero negative effects so far and am much more comfortable riding and in every aspect of life.
Best of luck and health to you!!


I have an old thread about my bladder prolapse and now I can see my uterus is dropping too. Ugh. I did go to two different urogynocologists to see what they each would say. One of them sent me to a PT to learn pelvic floor strengthening exercises and she had me walk out with a pessary. You slip it up inside and it holds things in place. I take it out every night during sleep.

All that has been very helpful but I do have pain here and there if I do too much. Like yesterday. I’ve also learned to try not to lift over 25 lbs and most days try to stay way under all that. Otherwise surgery will happen.

I do my exercises daily at least once - only take 5 minutes. When I get pain I am reminded I’m supposed to be doing them 2x/day and then I do that.

I don’t see how this condition would negatively affect your riding and it doesn’t affect me at all. I will say however, the PT exercises have helped in every way including riding.

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It was a plus for me not only in my life overall but my riding was not impacted at all.