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Uti Colic at Our Last Resort

So Spirits having one of his UTI colic episodes even with the uniprim.

We ran blood work, everything points to sign of a decent infection. He had 102.7 fever, we’ve given him banamine, we’ve sedated him,tubed him with water and oil and he got an Exede shot at around 10am.

He still is shaking uncontrollably, and just did a series of yoga poses and then went down. They were talking about giving him an IV fluid drip in about 3 hours when she can come back out with DMSO in it. The vet basically said that’s about all we can do for him right now and hope for the best but plan for the worst and I am losing my mind. He just went downhill last night out of the blue.

I am just screaming FFFFFF FFFFF FFFF NOOOOOOO in my head…not my pony…not today…not the only one i have left from my parents and my mare…god please nooo!!!



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I’m so sorry about the colic. Jingling curb chains and crossed fingers that he pulls out of it.

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Vet is on their way out to give him IV fluids and I may just take him to their Clinic. The only thing that I think UT could do different is actual surgery and there’s no way I can afford that so I already know how that’s going to go if that’s the problem. F. M. L.

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I’m so sorry. I hope it can be resolved medically.

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Breathe I’ve been through this also. Especially in the older ones. You do what you can. As quickly as you can. And if that means treating only medically that is monumental and can often work. If not… you ease their pain and say goodbye knowing that you did everything feasible and your pony will be eternally grateful for your care. Breathe.


This isn’t meant to freak you out by any means, but it’s good information to be aware of, to test for.

The only time in my 25 years around horses, that a horse has done the “yoga poses” was an OTTB with strangulation colic. It came on suddenly, with many of the same symptoms you described for your boy. That gelding made it the first time with lots of fluid and around the clock vet care at Michigan State University, but it happened again 6 months later and there was nothing we could do that time.

Has your boy had a physical exam with a rectal since this started? Was anything found? I know you said blood work was done…


Sending jingles.

Eta… i missed the physical part… he had a 102.7 temp this morning, was still 102 this afternoon. Heart rate is at between 40 and 50 bpm. Lungs sound clear, still has some gut noises but not like we would like to hear.

He had about a normal size pile of poop that she pulled out of him this morning. It wasaround I want to say maybe 9:00 9:30 10:00 somewhere around there and then he has not gone the rest of the day. He is drinking water especially if I put a handful of grain or pellets at the bottom of like 2 gallons of water, he will gobble the water down pretty much. Then she came out about 2 hours ago if that, temp was still at 102, gave him 2 L fluid and more poop had worked its way down and she pulled out about another piles worth, but he is just not pushing it out. She was glad it is still trying to meander down his intestines.

I really hope it isnt strangulation! Ty for the heads up though. He always downward dogs when he stretches in the morning especially if he has been in his stall all night and it is a common thing with him when a UTI is setting in today though it was just to the extreme.

I have most amazing freaking best friend in the world and she has been driving a horse trailer for about 3 hours now for her own business. When she drops her filly off at her Farm she is going to come get him, and we are going to take him to the vet’s clinic for the next day or so and hope he gets better. He will get ultrasounded there and be on fluids again and that way they can give him any medication he needs. Cameras on him 24/7 while I am at work too which eases my mind somewhat. I’m just hoping it’s not an impaction that would require surgery and he will pull through since he is having manure slowly work its way down.

Right now the shakes have stoppes, he has his cooler, sheet and hood, and my mares full hooded cooler on, see below he wears his purple dress proudly! We just went for a little walk and he is gobbling down a scant handful of tc complete feed in a couple gallons of water again.

Watch him go for a trailer ride and poop everything out and then be perfectly fine once the exceed has 24 hours to work…which I would be thrilled with!!!


He is only 14, I had his mom over 25 yrs… I am NOT ready yet… but I know I know… and thank you for reminding me to breathe :heart: its been hard today.

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Massive jingles for you and Spirit!

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Prayers for you and your boy.

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Thanks everyone he is currently at the vet clinic on IVs and he has gotten a little bit of his attitude back. He peed again and he is slurping down more of his pellet water he is drinking it like it is going out of style. The vet is going to let me know as soon as he poops .I told her I don’t care if it is 2:30 in the morning when you see it go ahead and text me I will be so happy to be woken up!