Vertebrae Question(s) - Fall

I’m glad you’re getting it checked out. My story is almost identical to whicker’s, except that I did have x-rays done and they came back clean. I went back to work thinking I was OK. After several weeks of cleaning stalls and riding horses I could barely walk. I went to see an orthopedist who ordered an MRI, turns out I had numerous stress fractures to my pelvis and L-5 vertebra plus extensive nerve and ligament damage. Four years later I’m pretty mobile, but I still have issues with numbness and nerve pain. I can’t help but wonder what the outcome would have been if I’d gotten the treatment I needed when the accident happened and hadn’t waited so long. Good luck!

Thanks guys! My doctor left a message earlier this evening to say all is clear. If I still have pain she wants me to call her on Friday. Although it was notably better even today, I still had pain on and off … and the area is still sore to pressure. So I’ll be calling Friday.

There are nerves in them thar discs

You will need a neuro-spinal surgeon for the specialist. Each one has different ideas according to his particular favorite procedure. If you can find a physical therapist with the higher level certification, ask who has the best results. The P.T. will know because they work with the patients in rehab.

Please p.m. me for more details. What area of the country are you?