Very premature foal

No - 2 separate people. FT does barrel racing. KVS does pleasure.


Thanks for the explanation @Arelle!

I watch her content, mainly during foaling/breeding season. I’ve learned a lot about AI and foaling and breeding from watching her videos which are definitely targeted to an audience that may not have much horse experience. But I’m 18 years in with horses and I’m still learning from them anyway; because there had been very limited opportunity for me, with the connections and background I have, to be exposed to breeding and foaling. And there aren’t many (any?) content creators that show the parts of the breeding process she shares, like the frustration and heartbreak of failed embryo transfers or the fact that sometimes foals just can’t be helped/saved (they lost one foal last year).

I think she does a good job most of the time of walking the line between being interesting to knowledgeable horse people and still understandable and educational for people who have no knowledge of horses.

I don’t agree with everything about how they choose to manage their horses but I don’t agree 100% with how tons of people choose to manage their horses. I can still choose to enjoy and learn what I can and ignore what I’m not interested in.

I’m interested to see how things play out with the premature foal, and it would be really cool if down the line she did a more in depth, longer video with the vets about what’s been done and why, but let’s be real here - a lot of vets wouldn’t want to be involved with that because it just opens them up to so much more criticism that they don’t need. So I’ll take what we can get there too, because it’s still more than I’ve found elsewhere.


Someone on tiktok did the math based on views and payouts and she’s making something like 80-100k a month. Good. For. Her. If i was pulling in a million dollars a year, I would also be using it to buy pretty horses and do all the things at the vet for a foal.


I saw that! And as far as I’m concerned, she does a lot of work keeping up her social media so good for her. I don’t even watch entire 2 minute videos most of the time, I’ll watch the first few of a creator that comes across my page, then that’s about it. Except for Doug and the business cats, they’re the best! :smiley_cat:. Drennan Davis if you’re interested

I think she does a great job. Especially balancing between the reality of horses and the social media friendly approach to people who know nothing about horses. I watch sometimes and I find it entertaining and have actually learned some things about new advances in breeding since I stopped breeding regularly. It was also a really brilliant idea as far as a second income for a breeding farm so I give her credit for that and all the work she puts into it. She does a nice job of handling the ignorant questions and criticism too. I haven’t noticed any real bragging or self promotion of being a top top program in her discipline. Seems pretty matter of fact as far as the portrayal of their program. Coming from outside the discipline I didn’t get the impression that they were at the pinnacle, although it does seem like they have an organized program that does a decent job at what they aim to do.


What i meant from this is that she ‘seems’ to breed a lot of horses. Whether she’s ‘big-time’ or not, I have no idea.

I do think she’s a hard worker and she does make a lot of money via social media.

The vets were going to x-ray the baby yesterday, but didn’t. Supposed to do it today. If that comes across my feed, I’ll post the tiktoc link, in case anyone wants to see.

Well, she bought VS Code Red last year (or the year before?), so, yeah, she’s what I would call big time. As far as sheer numbers of top quality foals, probably not, but I’m not much involved in the pleasure horse world, so I can’t say for sure, and I guess that’s a matter of opinion, anyway.

I tip my hat to her for the degree of realism she shares through her social media videos. I’ve found social media as a great tool for promoting my much, much smaller breeding program, but I have not been brave enough to show the “blood and guts” videos. I do try to be very transparent about the ups and downs; I’ve just seen enough content go viral that I’m loathe to have something get away from me and not be able to explain the context.


Aug 2023 for $1 M


Here’s a link to yesterday’s video. The x-rays are here and she shows a comparison x-ray of a foal that was born at the right time. You can put your finger at the bottom and scroll past the beginning where she always talks about how he was born prematurely. Sorry it’s tictok, but that’s where I see her videos

I didnt see an update on the premie, but she just posted a very sad update. She lost a mare who was carrying a full term foal. Video keeps it real. She is too cutsey for me sometimes, but then there are times like this:

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Saw that this morning, what a heartbreak

I saw another post that was just a notice that her farm is private, so I guess some people thought they could just pop in :roll_eyes:

Oh how awful. I agree she’s not always my cup of tea but she seems to try so hard to do well by all her horses and such a loss must be crushing. I hope the lack of “action” on the cameras means the mare didn’t suffer. Prayers and jingles for all of them.

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That’s just :angry::angry: C’mon people.


Looks like today was supposed to be his birthday, although he’s 2 months old :grin:. Still at the vet’s but doing well

What’s 8 weeks of neonatal clinic stay? $20k?

As a customer of the clinic in question, I’m going to guess at least twice that, once all treatments and services are added up. Good thing money is not really an issue for this family.

I actually got to meet little Seven in person on Saturday, though under very unfortunate circumstances. I had to take a mare with a dystocia there to have her foal delivered. My foal didn’t make it but had the same “due” date as Seven, and my mare was placed in the stall right next to him while she recovered from the sedation. It was a pretty surreal moment.


In 2008 I had a foal at the same clinic and it was nearly that much for 3 days.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your foal. How is your mare doing?

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Thank you. Sydney is doing well, all things considered. She started harassing her little sister at feeding time Tuesday evening, which I took as a sign that she was feeling more like her normal self. I think it helps that she was a maiden, so she doesn’t realize that she should be missing her baby. She’s also an incredibly stoic, cheerful little thing. I hauled her ~115 miles to the clinic with her foal’s front feet sticking out, and, when I opened the trailer, she was standing there with her ears pricked, eating from her hay net. Her heart rate on arrival was only 48. Heaven help me if this mare ever has a severe colic, because I’m not sure she’ll give any indication that something is wrong!