Villa Louis is gone 😫

Not the show: The Carriage Classic, but the venue in Prairie du Chien.
After 40+yrs, the WI Historical Society has decided the show will no longer be permitted to use the grounds for the one weekend after Labor Day.
The claim is the environment is damaged, no details yet.
Granted, last year the place was flooded - Mississippi River abuts the grounds.

I found out via email from the organizer of the show.
He stated another venue has been found, but not where or when.
WHS is losing a chunk of change from the $15 charged to the many spectators over the weekend. As well as the admission charged to tour the historic mansion (free to exhibitors).
I don’t know how much of that admission fee went to WHS, or what was charged for use of the grounds.
I can’t see how driving on the acreage could cause irreparable damage, but until details are provided, I’ll hold that opinion to myself.

Anyone who has shown or spectated there will miss the event.
I was fortunate to go 3 times: once to watch, 2nd to help a friend & lastly to show my VSE as a 3yo :grinning:
We tied for 12th of 14 in our division & I could not have been happier :blush:
All cleaned up, strutting our stuff:


Yes… it’s my favorite show! But I’m confident that the new venue will be just as nice and more applicable to driving (bigger rings). It’s the loss to the WHS not the show… we still win with having Villa continue! I can’t wait to see what Magic Mike has up his sleeve!!


I visited Villa Louis last June when the flood was occurring. The river didn’t seem to flood the grounds and jet ski races were going next to the estate on the day I visited. Maybe some areas were really wet, but that was in June, not September. What a shame the Carriage Classic can’t be held there anymore.

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I saw that but I thought the letter said due to an archeological finding.

I certainly enjoyed spectating at Villa Louis as it is a lovely grounds and fit the whole presentation in a historical fashion.

I’m hopeful the new venue will have even better arena space!

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According to the letter, the City of Prairie Du Chien has found another site for the Classic. Kudos to them for stepping up. My husband and I attended years ago, and he still talks about it.


I’m crossing digits & hoping the new site might be Wade House :crossed_fingers::pray:
It’s only 3h from me (VL is 5 :disappointed:) & has a former stagecoach stop, now a carriage museum with “the largest collection of horsedrawn vehicles in the Midwest”
They already host an ADS show in July, so maybe the Classic dates would be available.
Short-term Goals :smirk:

Wade House sounds interesting! It is on the other side of the state, so I’m not sure if that is the site that will be chosen.

Conversations on FB lead me to believe this is more politically motivated than anything truly related to the environment/grounds


From what I saw it’s still going to be in Prairie @ St. Feriole Island (so basically, just by Fort Crawford).


That sounds like a great alternative!

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