Virginia's Troubled Racing Industry

Here’s a recent Richmond Times opinion piece.

PR even comments on Durrer’s thoughts.

Successful day for Elizabeth Voss.

Somewhat dated.

Appears Jeff Jacobs wants to put his property back to work.

I have searched the Web far and near and have found not one report on the attendance at Great Meadow on 9/20 other than the VTA news report I linked above that only reported the results. Did anyone attend and what was the atmosphere?

I guess no one bothered to check the local paper’s full report of the day …

Actually, previous to this post, I did search the larger area newspapers like the Washington Post, Richmond Times, Virginian Pilot, Roanoke Times etc and came up with nothing. See my above post seeking information right after the first meet. If these major newspapers are not picking up on these meets then VEA is not doing its job promoting racing. Articles in rural weekly papers won’t do the trick. If you have links to statewide reports why don’t you post them without being so flip. The VTA news is a biased report but was nice reading but then again, who in their right mind wants to write themselves out of a job. Most likely the VRC Oct 14th meeting will probably be the most informative on how well the VEA performed.

I see you dropped your resume/bio link. Did you get out of journalism?

The Oak Ridge Track was in great shape. Tents and facilities were well organized but sadly a very small crowd for harness racing on Saturday. The article below is polite when it refers to attendance as “modest.”

Maybe we can hire the people that put Kentucky Downs back on the map because the VEA is definitely following a non-profit blue print to exciting the state for the return of racing? The new VEA slogan should be VIRGINIA LOVES MARYLAND.

Very disappointing first weekend at Oak Ridge for harness racing. The VEA is doing absolutely nothing to promote these meets. I could only find 2 local papers reporting on it. Couldn’t find any major newspaper reporting on Virginia Downs meet either. Both handles were reported to be near nothing. No wonder MD is delighted to sponsor VA RACING. Once we had the Virginia Derby, then we gave MD our “VD” calling it the Old Dominion Derby, and next year I suspect we’ll foot the bill for MD to run the “You’ve been had Old Dominion Derby.”

The reality is that Colonial Downs is the only hope for VA horseracing and ultimately it’s TB and SB industries.

Not only does this situation negatively effect VA but it has national ramifications as NA horseracing continues to shrink or become solely dependent upon casinos.

Shammy - Where did you hear that the track at Oakridge was in great shape? Definitely not from any horseman racing on it. Every one of them were complaining about how deep it was and that it was “awful”. I was there working and that was one of the most poorly run circuses that I have ever been to. I am dreading going back next weekend to work the finals. I will say it is a beautiful location but most of the horsemen are having to sleep in their vehicles because there is no where to even rent a hotel within 30 minutes because the racing commission has rented the only hotel in the area. If we are to race there next year I REALLY hope that they do some improvements so that the horsemen actually want to show up to race.

Shammy - Where did you hear that the track at Oakridge was in great shape? Definitely not from any horseman racing on it. Every one of them were complaining about how deep it was and that it was “awful”. I was there working and that was one of the most poorly run circuses that I have ever been to. I am dreading going back next weekend to work the finals. I will say it is a beautiful location but most of the horsemen are having to sleep in their vehicles because there is no where to even rent a hotel within 30 minutes because the racing commission has rented the only hotel in the area. If we are to race there next year I REALLY hope that they do some improvements so that the horsemen actually want to show up to race.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the clarification. I’m a TB person and it was my impression of the track. Maybe I should have said well manicured. Your backside experience is important to this thread so I personally appreciate your honesty. If people think Colonial Downs is far away they should experience a trip to Oak Ridge. All your comments are well taken. The VEA is doing a terrible job. I hope the VRC shows some skepticism about its plan for the future of VA horseracing.

Yes Shammy It was pretty to look at but the footing was way too deep for the STB’s and every driver that came off the track commented about how bad it was. I can’t think of a single horsemen that is happy with the setup. There is no hot water in the barns and you are bathing horses with cold hose water. There also isn’t any bath stalls so horses are getting hosed in the grass and by the end of the day it is a HUGE mud puddle also the stalls are VERY small, maybe 8x8, and we have a 17h guy in our barn that barely fits in there let alone being able to lay down. He was pretty stressed this weekend and that is not normally his nature. The trainer that I work for has a barn full of VA bred babies so he feels that stabling at the track is important to them settling and racing well next Sunday so he shipped in mid week last week and will ship out either Sunday night or Monday morning. I live 15 minutes from Colonial, so I am only there to help him on the weekends.

I agree for people that thought Colonial is our in BFE to visit OakRidge! I worked the races back in 2001 when we raced there last and the area is in a time warp, there has been no growth there at all since 2001, it is exactly how I remember it. STB racing in Virginia has always been the black sheep of racing so while I hope that the VEA will do better at promoting this I don’t have very high hopes mostly because STB’s were never promoted at Colonial either. I know in 2001 they had large crowds at Oak Ridge I’m hoping that the weather on Saturday kept people away.
On a plus note of having small crowds OakRidge gave the horsemen all the left over beer Sunday after the races since it wouldn’t keep until next weekend. The horsemen liked that :slight_smile:

Oak Ridge meet continues this weekend. Weather is reported to be clear and cold. There are few accommodations in the area and from what cripplecreekfrm says they are booked up by VIPS. Bundle up if you plan to attend. Pray the horsemen and horses can survive the meet and survive the refugee camp environment to race another day

Yesterday’s VRC was not reported on as best I can find. One item on the agenda is the VEA negotiations with CD. Looks to me like Jeff Jacobs is looking at alternatives. It will be interesting to see how the VEA spins the story to the commission.,0,3434433.story

This is the most recent article I could find on the negotiations but word on the street is that situation is not being well served by the horsemen leaders with their union style corporate busting tactics as they continue to obstruct good faith efforts by Jacobs to get racing back on track.

No progress reported on VEA and Colonial Downs. Debbie Easter appears not to be able to figure out why. She called the meetings productive. I guess she thinks failure and productive mean the same. Wonder what the VRC thinks of her perspective?,0,6492413.story

There is a safety and welfare issue being ignored here by the VEA and horsemen leadership IMO. It appears that the track and barn at Oak Ridge is unacceptable to the vast majority of the connections at the meet. Refugee conditions is not acceptable for the horsemen and women either.

Here is another recap of VRC Oct meeting. No mention of the refugee status of horsemen at the Oak Ridge meet. Freeze warnings for the area are called for Sat thru Mon. With no lodging for the horsemen and no hot water in the barns it’s going to be a long weekend for all.

Interesting CD is still requesting one day of racing on Nov 30. In June Frank Prtramalo, HBPA ex dir, called it a sham by Colonial Downs to keep OTB’s open. For one day? Are horsemen paying this guy to play dumb? He apparently doesn’t know how the law reads.

For those interested here is an excellent link about the history of horse racing in VA.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I really hope the harness meet can be a success though it sounds like facilities are sorely lacking. I am trying not to be depressed about the situation in VA but that is a challenge. Maybe in a few years when I have a VA bred of racing age things will be better? I can’t count on it…

Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I really hope the harness meet can be a success though it sounds like facilities are sorely lacking. I am trying not to be depressed about the situation in VA but that is a challenge. Maybe in a few years when I have a VA bred of racing age things will be better? I can’t count on it…[/QUOTE]

You are very kind to say this. I know issues like this are uncomfortable for many to address but it is important not just for VA but for the greater sport. I have had the good fortune to see many horseracing venues including tracks around the world. Some have been absolutely magnificent and others have been horrible. VA was very lucky to have Colonial Downs and even with some other problems we should not throw the “baby out with the bath water.” IMO the leadership of the racing horsemen are a bunch of fools and the industry needs better.

You may have noted in previous VRC recaps that VEA president Debbie Easter suggested that more opportunities are needed. Well from the looks of their plan race fans and connections will end up with the likes of Oak Ridge again and again.

It is time to dump the same old do nothing headed for failure style of leadership in the VA industry. Our current leaders are dinosaurs sticking around for “billable hours” and not for the future of VA Horseracing. Colonial Downs is the only venue that works despite some of the nagging issues. It is also apparent that the VEA and VRC are not being upfront with the public. Word on the street has the VEA and it associates as the antagonist.

I am going to Oak Ridge on Sunday to support the horsemen not the foolish leadership that has held our sport hostage in this refugee environment.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts. I am not going away on this. Help me keep this thread going.

jj: Just one other comment. I continue to be amazed when reading racing and horse forums the amount of effort that is put into threads like “bring chrome home” yet when the serious business of the horse and horse people are broached those threads quickly die.

I guess the ridiculous is more interesting to post about. The world is captivated with stupidity and there in lies the fate of horseracing.

Like many issues, there is not an easy answer and it’s not necessarily a fun topic. But, folks need to figure out some answers – at the local, regional, and national levels. I am surprised more horsemen are not demanding a solution in Virginia. One of the problems is that they are too busy taking care of horses!