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Virtual trail ride

This event was fun!



I’d seen that, as I usually would have gone to the actual event (being local)! I’m participating in the Warhorse challenge, just for fun!


glad people are getting out and about in different ways!


The Warhorse Challenge will be lots of fun for sure. My daughter and I will do the June Wild West, maybe at Magnolia.

I noticed on the facebook page for Wild West that one rider managed to do 10 miles through the city! Here in Cali we have incredible choices; if the water covers a trail there are lots more to hit. Priceless.

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My Haffie and I did this! It was our first “ride” since I’ve been saying for years I’ve wanted to do one, but something always got in the way. We stayed on the ranch where I board, and did 5 miles.


The virtual Tevis looks fun!

We just signed up today. Looks to be a success. Are you riding, Salty?


This group is normally a Hiking group but is trying out a Virtual At-your-own-pace trail ride. Supports Mental Health Awareness. What is better for our mental health than time with our horses. Set your own goal and get you miles on the trail or in the arena. Even if you ride a few miles a week a 25 mile goal is attainable! There is still time before the end of the summer! https://www.hikeformentalhealth.org/at-your-own-pace/


We haven’t been able to do a single endurance ride or CTR this year so I’ve been doing virtual rides. I’m doing Valkyrie, Ranger, Pony Express and the Covid Derby
Pretty good motivation to keep training :slight_smile:


I’d like to try the virtual Tevis but I haven’t signed up yet. It would be good motivation!

Yes it’s good motivation! Did 7 miles yesterday. Here’s the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teviscupvirtualride/?ref=share

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We crossed “Highway 89” yesterday and are ~5 miles out from “Watson’s Monument”. I’ve done about 8.5 miles on thew ranch I board at. Planning to haul out to ride with a friend tomorrow (properly protected of course)

Way to go dreamswept!

And we did 9.9 miles today for a total of 19.9 miles so far. Almost to Lyon Ridge. Pony gets a break tomorrow (and so does my bum knee, LOL)


i am a Tevis walker and on day 2 , last sunday, fell and separated my shoulder. after a vet hold started out walking laps around my apartment complex. 1 lap = 1 mile. yesterday did 3! it is great seeing reports from all over the world, particularly of peoples Cougar Rock photos. We dared one woman who is kayaking, to photoshop herself going up cougar rock in her kayak

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sorry about the shoulder hoopoe. Get well soon!

We just got done with another 5+ miles. By the way, this week I’m working a multi day ride over the historic Western States Trail. On Thursday I will be at Red Star Ridge, Friday at Miller’s Defeat, and Saturday at Devils Thumb. Not virtually, really really. I was really really at Lyons Ridge a month ago and my dog went up and down Cougar Rock. My avatar is my pony and me on Red Star Ridge.

Good idea to take a break before going up Cougar Rock.

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I’m doing the Virtual Tevis. Riding my Arabian gelding I got from a kill pen three years ago. He was mad at the world. So was I. We both needed positive reinforcement. So we clicker train. He’s not mad the world now!!. I still am, though. Bib 1131.

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Finished Valkyrie last week and our team for the Covid Derby had turned in 509 kilometers in 15 days!

i about 40 miles in. surgeon appointment tomorrow id like to hope we will be at least half way before getting pulled by the vet and recovered well enough to finish in due course

I hit Robinson Flat yesterday after 4 miles tootling around the ranch I board at. Took a few days off last week because it was Shark Week, and I love my sharkies.

Hopefully we’ll haul out to ride a longer trail this week, but got a lot going on (hay delivery, farrier visit, etc.) so that remains to be seen.