Vitrectomy Recovery

I had cataract surgery and a vitrectomy on Wednesday. The surgery went well, but was quite painful, and my blood pressure went into orbit during the surgery. I’m starting to see a little out of the operative eye – it is rather like looking through a bowl full of clear jello. I have a black eye :frowning: .

Needless to say, it is interesting, trying to run a small farm while not being able to bend over or lift anything over 10 lbs. I prepared before hand, and I’m managing, so far.

My biggest problem is lethargy – I have absolutely no inclination to do anything other than lie in bed and watch TV. There are things that need doing outside, but I can’t do them because of the post-operative weight restrictions.

How long did it take you to get back to normal after a vitrectomy?

I haven’t had vitrectomy surgery, but have had 11 operations on my right eye, including two cornea transplants, cataract surgery, and some laser surgeries. I was very tired after the cornea transplants and miscellaneous laser surgeries. It took me about four or five days to feel back up to speed. If you had general anesthetic, I find it sucks the life out of you for a while. Rest is the best drug. so lethargy isn’t a bad thing. Everything seems to weight more than 10 pounds! Good luck.

Thanks, oldbutnotdead. The lethargy is wearing off, but I’m having an enormous arthritis flare-up. I was feeling so awful on Friday that I was in tears, planning what music I wanted at my funeral. I’m feeling better than that now, emotionally. Thanks for the encouragement.

I am surprised they did both at once. When I had a vitrectomy 2 years ago,to fix a macular hole, I had to maintain a ‘face-down’ posture 23 hours out of 24 for the first week - 10 days. It is very important to do that, if your Doctor told you to!

OP just a quick word to say hope you are back to normal and good as new soon! Prayers sent out your way!

Hang in there draftdriver!

sdlbredfan, they didn’t do both eyes at once, just the cataract surgery and the vitrectomy, same eye. The eye Dr. said I was to sleep on my side, not on my back. None of the literature from the hospital said anything about staying face down. Maybe protocols are changing. Remember when a cataract patient had to be flat on their backs and with their head sandbagged for two weeks?

I go to see him tomorrow. I’ll keep you informed.

One week post-surgery. Surgeon said things are coming along as they should. He said that I should start being able to see over the gas bubble in a week or so. I can drive, but must be careful and stay off the highways. I will make an expedition to the hardware store today for mouse traps. My barn is being over-run, and the barn cat can’t keep up!

Sounds good!