Volunteer opportunities in VA/MD?

I’m interested in volunteering at a therapeutic riding facility in NoVA or Maryland (I live in Arlington, VA). Does anyone have any suggestions of where to look? I’ve found a few places that are a bit too far out for me to do it when school starts back up.


Here ya’ go, Loudoun Therapeutic Riding Foundation.

There is a place in Great Falls called “Lift Me Up”

Faith & Family Foundation at Wheatlands.


We just sold a horse to them and delivered him last week and these people have to be the nicest and most grateful people I have ever met! They have three large horses now (two minis) and plan to start doing a war veterans and handicapped kids riding program…they already have a program for handicapped kids doing other things and even a guest house for parents to stay in overnight with their child. It’s run by Muriel and Mark Forrest (who live there), although it’s mostly Muriel that stays home and does all the fundraising and work. They are both from Ireland, have 8 wonderful sweet gracious children, and Mark sings in a world-touring Irish band. Fantastic people that I can’t say enough good things about and they have the most beautiful farm and stone barns. They’ve moved here recently and she’s already put so much work into the activities building for the kids- I can’t wait to see all the rest be put into work. You might want to call and see how you can volunteer- I’m sure she would be very appreciative! Plus…if you ever want to ride, I can vouch for the absolutely amazingness of the 6yo Registered Irish Draught (imported in-utero, only one owner) that we just sold. Supposed the next stallion (he simply is stunning) for the barn where I work, but unfortunately got kicked and ended up with stringhalt before he could get a career so they gelded him. He did manage to get one foal out of it who is absolutely stunning and may be the next big thing for his owner :wink:

Anyway, I’ll stop typing and let you check them out. Fantastic people!!