<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwynnnorman:

What are Republicans AFRAID of? If, as so many conservatives profess, you believe in God’s will, then why fear a recount?

I’m STUNNED that you guys won’t address this.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The proces because without a clear and definate process it opens the door to an anything goes mentality. Keep changing the “will of the people” til you get the result you want. In Germany (here we go again) the poll “watchers” would “help” you vote for the right person or your family would pay the price. I know I know you all think I am radical because I support and defend the constitution, well that’s fine with me.

You Floridians…! Ten days. How is it that now we have to wait for the absentee ballots for 10 days, but only for Florida, and only for THIS election, never before?? Am I missing a key point, or is it just due to the extreme closeness of the results?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:

The article brings up the point that out of 100 million votes cast nationwide, Gore won the popular vote by 200,000. That’s a margin of .2 percent. (If my math is right… someone correct me if I’m wrong!) Under Florida law, that would be an automatic recount!

I’m still amazed by this entire thing…[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is exactly because of these national numbers that I have a problem with the whole “will of the people” argument. Gore, in his only public address on Weds., stated that he won the popular vote and therefore had the moral authority to challenge the results.
First of all, it was FL law that initiated the recount not Gore’s moral authority. AND I believe rightly so … I want to know what the real count was!

Secondly, how can he so confidently claim to have won the popular vote when there are many, many absentee ballots still to be counted? He can’t have it both ways: challenge the popular vote in FL and claim the popular vote in the nation when the final numbers aren’t even in yet!

This is all so confusing and I wish they’d just resolve it soon!

[This message has been edited by BlueGooPonyShampoo (edited 11-10-2000).]


I agree … is it too late to start a “Greenspan 4 President” movement??? I think it would be a more palatable solution to everyone’s woes!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwynnnorman:
[B]You know, I’m convinced that this is the best thing that could have happened to this country. What a wonderful solution to voter apathy. Maybe God-Fate-Whatever has a plan?

I’ll bet voter turnout in the next election will be outstanding, don’t you?[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Reporting from the front lines of Florida:
With the recount half done Gore has picked up an additional 700 votes. A re-vote in Palm Beach County is sounding more and more plausible with the revelation that 17,000 ballotts had to be thrown out, yes thrown out because the voters had voted, apparently by accident for Gore and Buchanan.

My what a mess.

Becca, you are so right… an amazing document. Almost every time I go to DC, I visit the National Archives, just to see it and the Declaration of Independence…

And just so you don’t feel totally left out, here is a picture. Of course it isn’t nearly as awe-inspiring as when they roll out all these documents encased in glass and tell you about the security involved in keeping them in public view (hint, don’t casually mention the word “plastique”)…

Horsenut, I’m glad someone agrees with me… otherwise I’m just another conspirator from the liberal media.

The people should have the right in every state to make their own determination without some Washington Bureaucrat telling what we MUST do! It’s our money afterall and not theirs to with what they wish.

No the system isn’t perfect, but it’s still better than anything else yet invented. The more power you put in fewer hands the more likely you will have more corruption of the purposes with the money stuck in the drainpipes of administration.

Personally I used to think the Electorial system was unnecessary. This election proved it’s not true. It was a brilliant idea that has sustained our freedom. Look at the map after it is colored in Gore/Bush.

What do you see even in Florida two thirds of the country voted for Bush. The cities and over-populated areas went for Gore. Do you seriously believe that the best government would come from the opinions of the city versus those who raise our food in the breadbasket. The Electorial college guarantees an equalizing of all the segments and doesn’t give ultimate authority to those who only deal with city problems and jobs.

What would happen if you discovered after recounting in California that there were 30,000 illegal voters and that’s how Gore won his small majority? And, if we are forced to recount all the states we may all learn that Gore doesn’t have a majority. That’s just as much a statistical error as all of them in Florida.

It is a fact the system is not perfect, it is a fact I am sure that thousands of ballots were not counted for errors. Why would anyone assume that only the people who voted for Gore would make mistakes?

I am impartial and believe that there were probably just as many mistakes made by the Republicans who wanted to vote for Bush. So, do you really want to spend billions, and lose the effectiveness of our government to
prove what?

We can learn from the mistakes, try to fix them for the next go around and let life go on. Haven’t we all said there not much difference between Bush and Gore anyway.

Maybe in a re-election Nader would WIN. Maybe the Electorial will elect Nader if it gets nasty enough as a compromise!

Whatever, let’s get it done and get on to 2004 and Hillary with Billy Boy as “Mr. Mom”. I wonder if he knows how to pour tea?


AS I have been so recently educated… election laws actually differ from state to state (shouldn’t they be the same everywhere in the country?!) Here in Florida the overseas votes have to be postmarked by election day.

We’ve all seen local and state government. It is scary. So is Washington telling us every move to make…

I read an article this morning that says Florida democrats are claiming the outlay of the Palm Beach ballots were not in accordance with Florida State Law. All ballots must be marked with an “X” to the right of the candidates name. Evidently, the ballots in question had candidates’ names down both side of the ballot with the space to mark an “X” down the middle. It is becoming more likely that the fat lady has not sung in Florida. A lawsuit was filed concerning the nature of the ballot by three Florida voters this morning.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HATTIE:
… 22,000 Duval county ballots were thrown out because people also voted for 2 presidential candidates. Their ballot is a booklet with 2 pages of candidates. Well evidently 22,000 voters thought they had to vote for a president on EACH page! Duval county was majority Bush, so this just adds more to the mix!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don’t think any re-vote should take place (yes, even if that means that republicans don’t get to contribute to the outcome).

If the outcome of this election is so important to them now, why wasn’t it at least worth a double-check in the voting booth on election day? Why didn’t these voters view the ballot ahead of time when it was made available? Why didn’t they ask questions at their polling place before it was too late? I think they disenfranchised themselves.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by astraled:
a “do-over” is the only answer. There are too many questions about it to let the vote stand, especially if the ballot design was illegal. This is not the country’s finest moment <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Illegal? Perhaps a confusing design but certainly not illegal. It was constructed by a public official (who is a democrat) and it was agreeable to both parties without objection.

People I do hope everyone understands that in Palm Beach Co. if a voter did make a mistake (ie, choosing two candidates) they merely had to alert a voting aide and a new ballot would’ve been provided. If you are too timid or clueless to speak up then honnestly I can’t offer pitty.

Would the same person, if they chose the wrong numbers for the Lottery, complain that the form was invalid and ask for the winning game to be redone? Hmmm …

Yep, I’ve never seen so many people at my polling place in NYC ever. Big turnout.

Those who don’t vote, in my opinion have no right to complain.

Not a Bush fan, but all this foul play stuff disappoints me. Now the NAACP is complaining that people weren’t allowed to vote in Black areas- polls were “closed” they were out of ballots. Why not complain THEN, instead of now?
Gore won the popular vote. Perhaps, this year, if we can not resolve Florida, he should win? or, let Bush win, because there are always going to be some errors. That is life. Maybe a few voters mistakenly voted for Gore.
Flip a coin? Arm Wrestle?
It seems a little silly that Bush, who won Florida by 2000 votes, should beat Gore who won the Nation by @ 200,000 votes, but that is our constitution.
Oh, it’s all so confusing. Why couldn’t it be Nader and Browne?

It os after midnight, and it is still a tie.

At least this time the Californians can’t complain that the results were in berfore their polls closed!

Erin, I’m originally from the Chicago area, too. Motto: “Vote early and vote often.”
I believe that was Richard J. Daley; Son Richard M. is current mayor. And how ironic is it that there is a Daley brother in the thick of things now, and that Cook county (IL) ballots have been compared to the Palm Beach ones? Add Jesse Jackson to the soup, and I begin to wax nostalgic for the old Chicago politics. They may have been crooked, but at least they were clear-cut! Jeb Bush should have learned from the pros!

(Disclaimer: this is humor with a grain of opinion, NOT meant to inflame. Too much.)

I heard a rumor that the missing votes were from all the horseshow folks taking a break before the Florida circuits started. Seems they put their absentee ballots in a tack trunk, and the grooms, thinking they were the current Coggins tests but them in the glove box of the van which was sent in to the shop for the post Indoor tuneup…

(just to keep this horse related )

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
I know I know you all think I am radical because I support and defend the constitution, well that’s fine with me.

No, I don’t think you are radical because you support and defend the Constitution, but I am troubled by what I perceive to be your attitude that I am somehow less intelligent, patriotic or competent, because I may not agree with your interpretation of the Constitution…

Darn… I believe I promised sarcasm and humor in my next post (this one)… I apologize…

[This message has been edited by DMK (edited 11-10-2000).]