Wanting to ride after recovering from Pancreatitis...any 1 experience this?

Doc gave me about 3 more weeks to get back in the saddle if the pain is gone.

A little nervous since it requires sooo much core strength!

Anyone wanna share their story? Anything I should expect or be warry of?? I’m expecting usual soreness, but anything especially dangerous? :confused:

Also, how long did it take for any of you to be feeling 100%??? (While riding)

Mind you, I am re-training TBs off the track!

I have zero advice or experience, but have recently learned that a medication I take can cause pancreatitis. What were your symptoms/treatment?
Sorry you had to go through that…I hope your recovery has been easy!

Me, me, I’ve had experience with this! A friend’s 2 year old spun around and kicked me, lacerating my pancreas, so I had traumatic pancreatitis and was in the hospital a week, out of work for 6 weeks, and as for riding? Hah. I do remember my doctor telling me 3 weeks, but 3 months after the accident, I hopped on for a few minutes, and it was another month after that before I tried again. Every little move, bounce or bump hurt big time. If it hurts, you shouldn’t do it. It’s a bitch of a disease and can reoccur — if you’ve had it once, for any reason, you are more likely to have it happen again.

BTW, I’d suggest never drinking alcohol — the pancreas actually filters alcohol before the liver does. It’s like playing with fire — do you really want to take the chance of getting that sick again?

I have zero advice or experience, but have recently learned that a medication I take can cause pancreatitis. What were your symptoms/treatment?
Sorry you had to go through that…I hope your recovery has been easy![/QUOTE]

Yikes, please share with us what medication/or general class of medications can do that? I have heard and read that this is one of the most painful conditions ever, so anyone who has or had it has my condolences.


It is by far the MOST PAINFUL thing i’ve ever had in my life. My hospital doctor said it may just be the most painful thing a human can withstand. He said its like natural childbirth times 10.

Heres how it happened…

Went back to my home state with my fiance’ b/c we had two weddings to attend. We get in real late, go to bed. The next day I wake up feeling GREAT. Walked the pups, started to make myself breakfast (I even had a HUGE appetite!) Then all of a sudden OUT OF NOWHERE I started violently vomiting. I pass out on the bathroom floor, wake up, doubled over in the most excrutiating pain, you really can’t imagine unless you’ve gone through it. Its like being shot 100 times in the abdomen (mostly on the left side, under the rib cage). I’ve had to get my appendix out before and lets just say THAT felt like a massage compared to this!

Go to Doc, doc says I need to go to ER RIGHT AWAY, so Doc and my fiance’ had to carry me in to the car (ambulance’s are so expensive and I didn’t have insurance at the time! lol! :lol:) So, I get there and there was no waiting, no paper work, etc. They get me right in and start blood work, IV, cat scans, MRIs, X rays, ultrasound (which I passed out it was so painful). Then a week later in the hospital I was released with a month of bed rest.

Aparently, I was part of the 30% of the population who get it for no reason, at all. (Idiopathic). Most people get who are alchoholics, cancer patients, etc. Of which, I am neither.

My recovery was really bad only because I am on an opiate blocking medicine. Therefore, pain meds did nothing for me. Its a condition that heals itself and you just have to wait. Oh, and EXTRA LOW FAT diet for the rest of my life. Luckily, I am 24 so I had a better chance of living through it. However, Doc says elderly ppl and babies almost ALWAYS die of it.

So, yes, I would like to know what meds cause this, too! Just in case I’ve ever taken any and in case I have a potential law suit on my hands!

I did some websearching. The best source seems to be http://www.pharmacists.ca/content/cpjpdfs/nov_dec06/druginduced_etookhy.pdf
but I also found other info:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreatitis includes the info on medications "Many medications have been reported to cause pancreatitis. Some of the more common ones include the AIDS drugs DDI and pentamidine, diuretics such as furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide, the anticonvulsants divalproex sodium and valproic acid, the chemotherapeutic agents L-asparaginase and azathioprine, and estrogen. As is the case with pregnancy-associated pancreatitis, estrogen may lead to the disorder because of its effect of raising blood triglyceride levels.

Pancreatitis caused by statins first started appearing in the medical literature as early as 1990. All statins currently in use reportedly can cause pancreatitis, a not surprising observation when one considers that all statins are reductase inhibitors and can be expected to have similar side effect profiles. Both chronic and acute pancreatitis are curable. Fasting is often needed for a few days or sometimes even weeks to heal the pancreas ("lifescript healthy solutions “). Intravenous (IV) fluids are used to maintain nutrition while fasting (“Mayo Clinic”). Sometimes a surgery to drain the abdomen is needed. People with chronic pancreatitis often take pills with enzymes to help them digest their food (“National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse”). The change of daily living habits is also necessary to avoid immediate danger. Pancreatitis can be either acute or chronic. Pancreatitis’ most common cause is high alcohol intake. It has many unpleasant symptoms, and it can be cured in multiple ways. Acute and chronic pancreatitis have similar symptoms.”

very interesting…see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16082282 which contains - bolding mine - "RESULTS: Class I medications (medications implicated in greater than 20 reported cases of acute pancreatitis with at least one documented case following reexposure): didanosine, asparaginase, azathioprine, valproic acid, pentavalent antimonials, pentamidine, mercaptopurine, mesalamine, estrogen preparations, opiates, tetracycline, cytarabine, steroids, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, sulfasalazine, furosemide, and sulindac. Class II medications (medications implicated in more than 10 cases of acute pancreatitis): rifampin, lamivudine, octreotide, carbamazepine, acetaminophen, phenformin, interferon alfa-2b, enalapril, hydrochlorothiazide, cisplatin, erythromycin, and cyclopenthiazide. Class III medications (all medications reported to be associated with pancreatitis). Of the top 100 most frequently prescribed medications in the United States, 44 have been implicated in AP, 14 of them fall into either Class I or II of medications associated with AP.

CONCLUSIONS: Among adverse drug reactions, pancreatitis is often-ignored because of the difficulty in implicating a drug as its cause. The physician should have a high index of suspicion for DIP, especially in specific subpopulations such as geriatric patients who may be on multiple medications, HIV+ patients, cancer patients, and patients receiving immunomodulating agents."


It is by far the MOST PAINFUL thing i’ve ever had in my life. My hospital doctor said it may just be the most painful thing a human can withstand. He said its like natural childbirth times 10.

I also got acute pancreatitis at the age of 23, I feel your pain. I spent 5 days in the hospital resting it and I’m now 26, and can still remember the pain.

Docs had no idea why I got it, but it does run in my Dad’s side of the family. I had been on Minocycline for about a month for my skin though - they thought it was from that. But, About 2 years later, my older bro got it as well. Both of us have had 1 attack. Hope to never have it again. PM me if you want to talk more - good luck with getting back in the saddle!

Also - low fat diet, small means, digestive enzymes…