Warm feet (cozy toes)

I’ve ordered the Cushel Cozy Toes. A fellow boarder uses them and said she thinks they help, especially when it’s windy and/or wet. My feet get so darn cold in the winter it’s painful. I have boxy toed boots and wool socks but, still always cold.

Has anyone tried these or something similar? They look like a poor man’s tapaderos. :lol: The only colors left were either orange or camo. Ugh… I went with camo. Bleah. Maybe if I really like them I can dye them black or brown.


Before the invention of toe-warmers (the kind one opens and sticks inside the boot) fox hunters used a similar toe cover to keep feet warm. I never thought they worked at all. At Battle Creek Hunt we hunt all winter long. About now, everyone is switching from leather boots to winter riding boots. The majority wear Mountain Horse Ice Riders or Rim Frost (my preference, cheaper and warmer, I think). Some wear Ariat Winter Riding Boots. I also use extra warm socks made by Farm to Feet (designed for people who wear rubber boots in the cold --like farmers and trout fishermen). If it’s really cold, I put in the above mentioned toe warmers.