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Warmbloods Under $20k Facebook Group

Hi all…anyone a member of this group? I’m about to unfollow because it must be full of “too good to be true”.

Anyone have any experience actually buying from this group?

I’m in the market for a new horse and I mostly just follow the groups to get a sense of pricing trends, but I’ll probably buy through an agent this time.

I know of some people who have theirs posted in this group. And they are under 20k for a reason. I would say fairly priced, but have reasons.


I follow it. I haven’t seen too many ads that looked too good to be true, honestly. Usually there’s a pretty clear reason – young horse (in utero/weanling/yearling), close to retirement, bad xrays, training issue, behind in training, needs a pro ride, inconvenient location, etc.

Your algorithm might be highlighting a certain type of horse for you, though, so you might be seeing a different selection based on other groups you are looking at.


I agree. I’ve seen an awful lot of “sitting on the back burner types”, and well, I was “burned” by this type when I bought an unbacked 10 year old mare. Who is the most frustrating horse of my life. Exceptionally talented but needs a perfect ride every time. Very sensitive and gets easily bored and frustrated. It’s like homework, not fun.


Yeah that’s an interesting consideration re: algorithm. I’m not seeing a lot of youngstock but a lot of vague posts, which seem to be “back burner” or “motivated seller” reasons which translate to, “tricky ride” to me.

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