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Water tanks/bucket holders for the hard core mer-horse

My youngster likes nothing better than to play with his water constantly. Stand in the tank, flip it over, splash it around etc etc etc. Right now he has a tank outside in his run-out so he doesn’t soak his stall, and it’s amusing. But we’re expecting water issues this summer and it will quickly become less funny.

Any suggestions? I haven’t tried him with hanging buckets yet as I’m pretty sure he’d think they were a cool new toy as well.

I had one of these and it drove me bonkers.

I put tanks outside the pasture fence and removed the middle board. They reach through to drink. Worked great.

Mine mostly stayed out of her stall water, which was a muck tub up on cinder blocks. The height might have helped.

Putting it outside the fence is what I plan to do for my bona-fide bucket pooper.

I had a boarder here for a while (one of a group of six) who put her feet into any water containing object. Buckets, tubs, etc. Immediately. They started out living in one of our fields… I put the water tub out there, but it was destroyed immediately. But the field has access to the creek for water, so it wasnt an issue. When winter arrived and she and her pasture mates came into the winter shed, with the heated auto waterer in the corner (which I did NOT want a foot going into and pulling it over), I put a rail diagonally across the corner at chest height, far enough out that she was held far enough away from it that her foot couldnt reach it, but could reach over the top OK with her nose to access the water. It worked great. Its still up, long after the boarder left.

Yes, make it accessible only by a reaching head, not by legs. Whatever that entails.

Or, cover the tank with a structure that leaves hole just big enough to get a nose through.