Is there a waterproof dog bed that won’t ruin the inside of the dog bed? One of my cats ruined 6 beds by peeing on them. At the time I thought the problem was with a new young cat in the house, but then I figured out my older cat had stones and she had surgery. The young cat has been outside for the summer/fall but now that it is cold she wanted in so I let her in. All of a sudden the peeing on the beds has started again (and I have new expensive beds now)
I’m so flippin annoyed. I need to separate the older one to see if something is medical going on by I think this is not medical as she is on special food and has been fine until the cat came in the house.
I’m hoping I can get the smell out… would love suggestions on waterproof dog beds and any suggestions to get them to stop peeing… I’m really considering re-homing the younger cat, but am struggling with that as I’ve never re-homed a pet and I hate to do that… right now though I’m just so tired of this and I can’t stand the house smelling like pee.
Suggestions on dog beds? Suggestions on the cat situation welcome too!