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We need jingles

Two fisted Jingles for your mare and for you!

You have her where she has the best chance of healing. You are doing all you can. Be proud of yourself for being a great owner.

I agree with the above, a week is not very long. The vet is preparing you for the worse case, there are lots of not worse case options still.


:pray: and well wishes to you both.

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As of today she’s been there about a week and a half. She went last Tuesday but they didn’t start treatment on the navicular bursa at first as they did not know there was infection there as well as the coffin joint. So I think it was flushed 3 times before giving her a couple days off. Infection was still there so she stayed this week.

Right now he is injecting antibiotics directly into the bursa several times a day plus doing the perfusions daily. I need to clarify if that stops after today or tomorrow. Then we wait to see what the blood work does. Right now he says blood work looks good but if infection increases, I’ll have to make the call to euth. We are around $10,000 in right now and could not afford another $5000 or $6000 for another week of treatment with no guarantee that this time it would work.

Thanks all for the continued jingles and prayers. I appreciate them.


Jingles for you and your mare.

How did she get the wire cut?

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I moved my horses to a small boarding facility on pasture board while I had my fences redone. It looks like she probably struck at a horse in the adjoining pasture catching her leg. No one saw it. I found her injured when I went to feed.

I kick myself for that every day. I had reservations when I saw they had strand wire but the other horses didn’t seem to have a problem with it so I thought I was being my usual overly worried self.


Ugh that really really sucks, and over a temporary housing situation sucks 10x worse. I’m so sorry, and hope she turns the corner.


Thank you. Me too. She was only there a week and a half.

Report this morning is good as far as the infection. He says “bloodwork really dropped this morning. That is a good sign. Still walking about the same.”

He’s not flushing now. He’s injecting the bursa and doing regional limb (whatever that is.) Oh! That’s the perfusion. For some reason I thought the flushing and perfusion were the same. Anyway, this is the best treatment for her so hoping for the best.


Continued good thoughts for your mare!



Praying and jingling.


Jingles for you and your mare.


The vet sent me a video. To me it looks like she’s moving a little better.


Jingling away.


Sending healing thoughts and hugs to you from Colorado. Hang in there.


Jingles and more jingles.


He sent another video today. She is definitely moving better. He does not think she is quite in the clear yet and will probably need to continue treatment next week. :frowning: Bloodwork tomorrow will give us a better picture.

I honestly cannot afford it but I’m not going to give up on her so will have to figure something out. Picture of my girl. :slight_smile:


If you don’t have a Care Credit card, it might be an option to look into to help defer payment for a bit.


She’s beautiful. Continuing the jingles for you and her!


I do have CareCredit plus my credit card. But I’m estimating $18,000 if she goes another week.

If there had been no improvement this week, it would have been hard but I would have made the call to stop treatment and have her put to sleep. But now we are making headway so I cannot do that. I cannot give up on my girl.


I couldn’t either. She’s lovely. My dog had a pyothorax in his chest…they felt he would recover if he had the surgery (only way to save him). His surgery was in the financial range you are in. I’m not one whit sorry I did it…the joy he gives me is priceless. I’m glad she is improving! Thankfully, I like Ramen noodles.:grinning:

OH! I have a friend who is genius at finding new credit cards with 0 interest. And maybe the hospital will finance some and, if you ask, write some off. People hospitals do. It never occurred to me to ask for my dog.:woman_facepalming: