For the last two days your website just crashes whenever I post on a thread, then I have to reopen the website, which takes numerous attempts before I am successful. Any idea why this is happening? I am not having this problem with any other sites so I don’t think the problem is at my end. TIA.
Weird…we haven’t been getting a rash of reports of this kind, so I’m assuming it’s not a system-wide issue.
When you say it’s crashing, is it freezing up on you, going black, giving you an error message, or something else?
It doesn’t sound like it’s the case, but I’ll run it past you just in case: did you happen to update your web browser to Internet Explorer version 9 recently? We’ve been having some compatibility issues that we’re working on addressing, and a temporary fix has been to click the “compatibility view” icon to the right of the URL field. It looks like a torn piece of paper. Don’t think it sounds like the issue you’re experiencing, but worth a shot!
Let me know a little more about the issue, and I’ll bring in our tech folk if we need to.
Thanks and sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1
I just checked, we use Version 7, so that’s not the problem. The screen goes blank and I get an error message. This can happen when I try to open the website, when I try to open a particular forum, when I hit “reply” and when I have typed a response and hit “submit.” For example this morning I opened the site with no problem, and was able to get to the H/J forum, but when I tried to post a response the screen disappeared and the error message appeared instead. I then spent about 15-20 minutes trying to open the site again, and each time I receive the blank screen with the error message. Its been going on for at least 3 days now.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
And the error message would be???
I’ve been trying to respond for 3 hours, and keep getting this message.
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: “Operation timed out”
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
have you tried using another browser? I used to get errors like that on a lot of different sites w/ I.E, and now i use google crome and i havent had issues at all. (i play oregon trail on fb, and would constantly have issues when using IE).
I have never had this problem in 6 years on these forums, so it seems unlikely the browser is suddenly the issue. Not to mention that I have absolutely no problem whatsoever using IE with any other website throughout the day, this problem has only developed during the last 4-5 days and only with the forums site. Besides, IE is my only option here at work, and I rarely have time for computers when I’m not at the office so I don’t know if its happening at home or not.
I had IE for like, as long as I’ve had computers… and it was very recently that i started having issues too. this forum, games online, etc. I think they changed something even with the older versions bc I have heard a lot of complaints from people using them, that’s why I asked Funnily enough, i worked for a cable company in tech support… and they only supported if people used IE, but for the company, all the computers were on Firefox bc they’d had too many issues with IE (haha).
But why am I only having problems with COTH forums and nothing else? And I don’t have a choice here at work, its IE or nothing. I suppose I could ask our IT people, but I didn’t think its wise to complain about being on a website for personal use when I am supposed to be working.
maybe they did something at work that blocked it too… I used to have issues accessing COTH bc the work filter, picked up the word semen…
I sent our tech guys a link to this thread to see if they have any other input on what the issue might be. I’ll report back when I hear from them. Might not be until the regular work week.
Sorry for any inconvenience!
Mod 1
Next week is fine, thanks so much for your help.
I’ve been having trouble too
I ended up sending my computer to my tech wizard next door. We have broadband, so I was wondering about surges. But it has been only this site. so far today has been ok.
It seems random as to when the problem will start happening. Although,once it starts, it happens consistantly when I want to change pages, forums, post, etc. I get black, start to load, black, start to load, over and over again. It can be either a slow process or rapid enough to bother my eyes.
Thanks for your help!
And now another problem has developed today. As I am scrolling down a thread on saddles, I can only get slightly past the halfway point before the screen turns black and then it returns me to the first post of the thread. :sigh: I have had some issues with the site crashing this morning, but so far not this afternoon. So there is some improvement.
whicker, are you getting the same error message that BAC posted about earlier? Also, what Internet browser and version are you using to access the site?
Thanks so much!
Mod 1
Things are worse than ever today, its especially difficult to post any responses, the site generally disappears and the error message pops up.
I’ve been trying for more than 4 hours to post a reply, in fact to let you know the problem is as bad as ever. Any news on when it may be corrected?
BAC, sorry for the delay. Short answer: it’s a problem with your work’s system. I’m going to send you an email from our tech guys with the specifics. Good luck addressing it with your IT department! Maybe you can pretend you got the info from a work-related site…