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Website with WEG coverage daily

I found this Website which they say they will update daily w/ WEG stuff.


Hey guys, just a reminder that the Chronicle is sending three editorial staff members over to Germany for the WEG (we leave tomorrow!!) and we’ll be posting daily reports, photos, and behind-the-scenes information on www.chronofhorse.com. We’re really excited about going, and have a lots of great ideas for the two weeks. Check in and find out all the information first-hand!

So, if you could please refrain from promoting other sites here, the site sposored and supported by the Chronicle, we’d really appreciate it!


yes, this is defintely a moment to remember who brings you this bulletin board… :wink:

Hi All,

As I did in 2004 for the Athens Olympics I will try to post daily photo galleries from Aachen. On todays gallery you will see Anky van Grunsven (NED) driving her own horse van to the show grounds and what a nice setup she has. Also, Debbie McDonald and Brentina having their passports check before entering the stabling area. Enjoy!!!


Charlie Mann


Charlie Thank you

You have a wonderful talent for capturing a moment when someone has let their guard down. You let us see a glimpse of a real person.
Great photos

Opening Ceremony Photos are now up. Click in the logo for Sunday August 21.


Charlie Mann

thats really great, thank you

The Endurance photo gallery is up at


Charlie Mann

Thank you Charlie!!! Loff 'em!

Just as an aside (and I am of course really biased here but)

Charlie added the Pay Pal donation link at the bottom of his image pages and its something we who enjoy his pics should consider.

He works his darned tail off to update the pics daily and to get a wide enough variety of images for the public who request instant satisfaction to see their favorite riders. He is doing all the work alone and for 3 weeks will be shooting as many events as possible, all day, and uploading all night.

It seems to be that when there are plenty of sites worldwide that would charge you for a story and 5 images, that having over 30 images a day for free would be a huge privilege. And couldn’t we all just chip in a few bucks through Paypal to show our appreciation, and help him get something back for his dedication to the equestrian fans who long to see what happened at the biggest shows??

Just my 2 cents.


already used Paypal for Charlie…<g>

gorgeous photos!

The photo gallery from the first day of dressage are up at


Let me know if there is anyone or anything that you might want to see and I will try to include it in the galleries.


Charlie Mann

Day 2 of the Grand Prix Dressage photo galleries are now up al;ong with Team Medals


Charlie Mann


CM - are you doing okay? has all your running around the venues caught up with you? love your shots and am eagerly anticipating your next set

Thank you !!!

CM - Thanks for the photos, they are gorgeous! And I love the candid moments. Can’t wait to see more…

Well I finally got the more galleries upload. They include
Dressage, the Grand Prix Special
Dressage, The Freestyle
Eventing, Cross Country


I hope to have Eventing Show Jumping and Medal Ceremonies up in a couple hours.


Charlie Mann

Photos from the first day of Show Jumping competition, which include images of the rain.


Charlie Mann

Wonderful pictures!:slight_smile:

The jumping photos are simply awesome. I am stunned and amazed…and beyond appreciative… You can hear the thunder of hooves, feel the pressure of landing…and cringe at the drumming rain.

And I adore the behind the leg shots…with the horse’s eye…

Thank you.