Wec Ocala team scurry?

Hi- longtime lurker, new poster just to ask this one question :sweat_smile:. I saw on the wec Ocala prize list that, for weeks 4 and 10, they have a “1.10 team scurry.”

Here is the description:

Competition takes place over TWO (2) rounds. Each round will be judged under USEF Jumping Rules Table A II.1. The TEAM will enter the competition arena to-gether. Each Team Member will navigate the course one after the other, scores are added together to determine the placings.
After conclusion of the first round the order of go will be reset and the top six (6) teams will return in reverse order of qualification for the second round, the best qualifier coming in last.
Each round will be judged independently. Regular jumping rules are in place. Each athlete must wait for the tone for their respective round.

So obviously I can tell what it is, but my question is: has anyone ever heard of something like this? There are currently no entries for this week so I guess this is the first year they’ve done it. Do all three team members enter the ring but jump the course normally one at a time with the other two waiting in the middle (or another convenient spot)? That seems rather inconvenient, I don’t get why they wouldn’t just enter one at a time in that case.

I will be there week ten so I guess if anyone does it I’ll get a chance to watch lol

I think I’ve seen something similar a few times over the years, mostly at the big indoor shows in the fall, where they would have classes that would appeal more to spectators who might not be regular horse show people.

I think the other riders would be in the ring, and part of the strategic aspect to it is being in a position so that the next person will be ready to cross the start line the instant the previous person crossed the finish line, or close to it.

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This is usually what is referred to as scurry;


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I’d imagine this is in response to some of the more negative comments that it’s too commercial/corporate/sterile. WEF does fun classes, HITS does fun classes, and Aiken also will throw in some fun & games sometimes. In past years, other shows have done charitable events and more community-friendly events, particularly around injured riders, so perhaps this is their entry into that arena?


Sounds like the format they use for the Charity Challenge at WEF? Like a relay, basically. Seems like it could be fun, or slightly terrifying depending on the teams LOL!

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HITS started this in Vermont this summer I think, a team 2.1 relay. You do have all 3 in the ring and then each goes over the set course (whether portion, like a relay, or the same course back to back) and all time is added together and all faults added together.

They are a fun event sometimes with prize money, sometimes for charity. The teams usually dress up.


They posted a separate doc describing the class on horseshowing.com: https://horseshowing.com/show_upload/13377/89.pdf

The scurry looked like it was a way for 1.10 jr/am to get in the big ring. All 3 team members entered the ring together, but rode the course individually with separate starting tone (NOT a relay). Faults converted to time, so it was not scary running. Cumulative team time for overall score. One team eliminated for refusals in 1st round, otherwise, the remaining teams all came back for 2nd round because there were fewer than 6 total teams. Second verse same as the first.