Wedge for seat

At a clinic last summer the instructor offered I might benefit from using a wedge to improve my driving position. I’ve messed around with bumper for a boat on the seat and the extra height does improve my leg position and how I use my body core.

Is the only way to know whether I want a 3" or 6" tall wedge to drive with something that gives me that height?

Pretty much! You need to drive in the wedge height to see if it works for you. Each height puts your body, leg angle in different places, that may or may not work for you. Perhaps you need a 4" wedge, NOT the 3" or 6" raise up because lIke with Goldilocks, they can be too small or too tall.

We have to change wedge on the presentation carriage for husband. Clinician kept having to remind him to straighten up, not lean forward! He does not lean in the Marathon vehicle where it doesn’t count! So a wedge change will be made before driving season starts.

You might see if you can borrow some to try or get a cushion made at an upholstery shop if you are not crafty. I suggest a grippy seat if you make it or that shelf liner works on vinyl covered wedges. Suede leather is great, found on expensive wedges. Used chaps could make a seat cover for a wedge, held on with straps or elastic.

Once you find the right wedge, you will enjoy using it, being in the right position and seing ahead. Do secure the wedge in place on the seat. It needs to be firm, stay put under you at all times

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Thank you! I’ll cobble together something with more height to see how that feels. The boat bumpers are 3” thick.

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Make the seat VERY firm. Otherwise you don’t actually stay properly elevated. Heavy, thick felt is a good fill for doing a cushion type wedge. Square shape is fine. Just don’t want much give under you in case it affects your position. Like those too soft couches that are hard to get out of!

We made a square wood frame with board seat (or thinner plywood), slight padding and cover to try various wedge heights. We made our first couple wedges like that. When it was the “right height” we stapled naugahide on the sides and some black suede with polyfil for cushion under, on the sitting portion. No curved edges or sides because there was NO sliding on it! Really was grippy! Ha ha

We copied an antique wedge seat that came on a vehicle, too moth eaten, mouse nested, to actually use anymore. Have since gotten a couple more antiques just like it on other old vehicles. So we figure it was a common wedge style “back then.”

Something else to consider with being higher: is do you need a foot rest or foot rail to have solid footing? Have to brace yourself on something while seated!

I had some old but nice brown reins we used after adding simple buckles, punched holes to fit, for running around wedge and board under seat. Looked nice, wedge sat quiet in use, FREE from stuff we had already.

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Thank you so much goodhors! We had snow today but as soon as it’s safe to drive again I will fiddle around with wedge options.

:thinking: My wooden show cart has insufficient legroom, making it uncomfortable for long showring use & especially in the lineup.
My wonky knees protest… Loudly.
Do you think a small - inch or two - wedge would fix this?
I’m sure the guy who made the cart could upholster one in the same fabric for me.
Cart (in the original incarnation - seat now gray fabric w/stainless fittings):

Not a hijack at all. A wedge that elevates you should take some of the bend out of your knees. As goodhors offered, you might end up needing a foot rail.

In my practice drives with my mock wedge I get a longer leg.

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