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Weight Issue III

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CTT:
Im just a trip. LOL I half to have a laugh. Oh I went down stairs and took a look on the scale yay Im 107 now yppe! just 13 or so lbs to go. Anyone have some real healthy yet fatening ideas for snackfoods. I always love to try something new. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
My personal favs are pretty healthy - not sure how fattening though I am a die hard fan of popcorn (light salt - no butter - soooo good - a snack food but much healthier then most chips) and goldfish (especially the chedder and pretzel kinds…

and yes- you are brilliant - and I owe you an email (my email has been ahem not behaving!)


Amen, Slugger!

You caught him on a good day

I’ve been reading these weight issue posts for quite a while now. Just a couple of weeks ago I went to my doctor because I wasn’t feeling well and I was tired all of the time ( I figured that I was just stressed out about finals). He told me that I needed to lose some weight (I am 5 feet 6 inches and 135lbs. and wear a size 8 in a dress). I have always been concerned about my weight, but really didn’t think I was overweight until now. What I find so disturbing is that this comment came from a doctor who is supposed to promote heathly living.

Trying to smile. Thankyou for your post. There are about 3 other threads that go with this one. And on a fue of them there is a tone of other storys like yours. I myself am a continueing recovering anorexic. I have been recovering for 7 years maby longer. But let me talk to you for a moment. I have a long story that threw all of these threads you can read. But Its a road that almost killed me and I mean almost killed me. If it was not for my sister donateing a kidnie to me I would have been dead and not here now. Its realy that serious. You can realy die from this. You think you have it under control but actualy your far from it when you get to this point mentaly. There are so many girls out there that die from this and they neaver learned what it is to truly live. The sad part is they started just where you are right now. When someone is concerned with there weight it a self confadence problem. they pop pills, eat less, vomit, little by little they loose control of themselves. And the recovery is not prity eather. When your confadence is down you begin to listen to people you know you should not. Then the process starts and day dy day you loose a little bit of yourself. Then one day you might just find yourself in a hospital barely hanging on for life. You are saying right now that won’t hapen but I said the same thing. Right now Im hacking up a storm and I can’t take anything for 2 hours cause I just took my rejection meds and For some reason tonight Im in agony cause I can’t take a simple antihistmine. Let me give you a word of advise. you said your weight is holding you back. Guess what its not. Its your mind thinking that its your weight holding you back. Look real close and realize that you are you and that life. I would do anything to gain a fue pounds right now. Every day I fight just to stay alive. It starts off as a fue harmless pounds and then it turns very quickly into a disease. If you nead to talk you can write me anytie. Know that ok. I ask you of a favor to take thoese pills and throw them away. they do so much harm. If you realy feal you nead to loose the weight I can send you storys, and about 300 things that can hapen. System malfunction, in abilaty to have children, iregular piriods, Destruction of enzimes ( they brake down foods, you loose them you can’t store any newtrition from foods), failing metabolism, And death. Please don’t do it. And never feel guilty cause your body neads that food so bad just to survive. you fail to give it that and you risk bringing death upon you.

Good point, Bascule. Unfortunately, adulthood doesn’t bring a magical understanding about these things. And yes, adults can be much more crafty in the way they hide their behavior from others.

An adult friend of mine used to event and she often took diet pills instead of eating in order to lose weight. Luckily, she is now a runner and gains fitness from healthy exercise instead of quick fixes.

My father has worked in production for major magazines like Time, Sports Illustrated, and now New York magazine (not The New Yorker). He has told me so many stories of what they do to pictures. They have always done it via airbrushing/dodging and burning, but now, thanks to the magic of digital imagery, it is cheap and easy.

He has told me that they have moved basketballs on SI covers because they were in the way of a logo! Or get rid of that darn “John 5:16” sign forever in the background at games.

Hillary Clinton was recently on the cover of New York mag. She had come into the office to meet and greet and do pictures. Dad said she was soooo old looking (compared to the media image). Fortunately, they have great photographers, got a great shot, and were able to completely digitally remaster it.

I used to work for Practical Horseman and they did things to covers, too. Mostly eliminate shadows and background distractions, heighten colors, etc. Nothing scandalous that I can think of!

Again, everyone, let’s get in shape!!! I’m going to start by taking a pre-natal yoga class!

Seeing as I event, I am curious. As a 16y/o girl it bothers me to hear that someone is so distraught over becoming a 6 compared to a 4 that she has to be admitted to a hospital… I just got comfortably down to a 6! The fact is that we need to learn to accept our bodies, and in my AP Bio class I’m learning ona daily basis what role genetics play in our body types. The fact is, it lies in your mitochondria of every cell whether or not the energy from your food is transferred directly into usable energy (ATP) or energy for later (fat) so if you’re genetically programmed to store energy, so be it.

But I’m wondering- by this pic, would I be considered “fat” by hunter standards? I’m 5’4 and 118, this is doing jumpers at a PC rally (2nd time I’d jumped in 2000, 4th time I’d ridden said horse in a year, and hes 23!)

I know that I’m not fat, while I would like to be more toned, the fact is that not everyone can wear a 5 from The Gap and look good in it

Well, Snowbird, there you have it: they can get all worked up, but they’re still not willing to even comment on what they, as a group, can do in a concrete way.

I refuse to believe they aren’t intelligent enough to understand the connection between judging standards and this issue, but clearly that’s too real and pressing for them to have the courage to address.

Leave it nicely abstract. Blame it on the media. Say it isn’t just this sport–find whatever reason you can to talk, talk, talk, but do nothing and completely ignore statements that would force you to turn your opinions into action.

Hi guys Im back. Well Snowbird seams like you have a very powerfull feeling on this issue. Im in the process of writing the AHSA a long letter. As soon as I get it done I will let you all read. Remind you all I didn’t keep it plain and simple. Its a heart felt letter. I am pleased to see how many people have come out of the closet weather or not they posted. I have recieved some very disterbing letter and I am proud of each and everyone who wrote me to tell me about them selves. YOu all make me proud and It makes me feel so sad and at the same time good because they have reached out. We all might be family here but for many you have never seen my face yet you look to me as a friend. This is not the end of me. Its only the begining. But in order for something to be done with power I need help of everyone weather they are recovering or just begining the road. Majical I know it is hard on you but please take the time to write me cause I need your help. Your guisance to speek. I need someone to be my eyes. I know it feels aquard but pleas help me. Its a hard road and without people like you we will never be able to get the full attention.

I would like to update you on what else is going on. I am working with erin and we will be getting something together for an issue. You can only go so far. It takes time but when you all read my story you will be able to know who it is and feel good that people are reading. I hope that we can start a posative fad. I was on the phone today with an old friend and informed them of these threads. I then about an hour and a half later got a call back and their first words were WoW Its about time something became of this and now we need to work together to make this real. I know it is hard to get people to talk but an idea i have is posably to do a websight. Ok now let me tell you what I would like to see and maby we can work together and make it happen. What about a sight where people anonomously can recieve help. Open to the rideing comunity. Go to something fishy and take a look but revolve it aroung the rideing industry. Any one got some good ideas fill me in.

Ok above i was reading I think on the second thread about this problem being exclusive to the H/J/EQ areas. I hate to tell you but you are teribly wrong. its not just these areas. It affect all of them English western all of them. Do you know how many anorexic girls are in the saddleseat and western world? alot!!! I have heard people in the barenraceing world say she would have had a faster round if she was 5lbs lighter or in the saddleseat world. The hose would have more lift if a little lighter. So its not exclseive its just more hissen then we seam to see. this just shows us our ignorence. We see it from time to time but we ignore it. Come on people lets get a hold of this and take it into our own hands and do something.
I don’t like it any more than anyof you but instead of talking lets plan something and do it. We start somewhere and go from there. We have erin on our side and I know the Chronicle is going to make the first moove. But what about the other magazines. A letter to Practicle horseman, Jump, yanky peadler, Online magazines we have the power we just need to start at one place. I can only do so much. If we each take one of our stories and send them to each magazine it will be sean and read. I have more than enough help with my half of the cronicle segment now we need to find a group for each magazine that is popular and fourm a group of 4 each to work with each magazine we can think of. Now lets start doing something. Please email me and we can get better organized.

Ok enough preaching but lets think with our minds and get organized. LETS DO IT!!!


Bannanas are good! Jello might not help with weight but it helps keep your bones healthy, I know that bone deterioration can be a factor with eating disorders, Also, try smoothies with protein powder, and oh yes, expensive but fattening and at the same time delicious, macadamia nuts! Just try to eat as much as you can as many times as you can, eating more small meals is really healthy for you. I try and always have something to eat, usually healthy but with a twist of something weight gaining like Protein powder! Also, rice and potatoes are good for helping pack on the pounds. It’s a good thing to gain proper weight by eating right, because it does not shock your body and you don’t have cholesterol problems and the like! If I think of anything else, I will let you know!

Pony girl- nice pic. You look like you have a very nice build for riding. You also look rather young, and seem pretty capable. – you look fine! Just something I noticed- J. Turner said “I like your following hand release, too.” Just to clarify that to me what you are doing isn’t really an automatic release. An automatic release is where you keep a straight line from bit to elbow. Very helpful when riding green or hard to hold together horses. Lol, I found I was one of few childrens riders who did this, as I have a horse who at the time was rather green and needed to constantly be held on to.

Hey, PeekABoo and CTT, maybe he’s learning? Maybe all of this ruckus on the boards and elsewhere is actually having an effect!!! Wouldn’t that be great!

Time to change doctors, Lex_HJ!!! Run, do not walk! Such a claim is crazy. Sorry, but your doctor is doing you a huge disservice!

I really had hopped on here to make this comment; particularly after reading the comment from the rider at the GM clinic. The trainer I work with is very old school - rode with GM & Rodney Jenkins. She is very well respected and judges all over the place. She and I were discussing this very topic about a week ago and her position on this is that as long as the rider has control of his/her body, that is the real question. She also stated that she had seen many heavy riders who were fabulous riders, with kind hands and seats; she felt they tended to be more concerned about the cardinal sins (smacking the back and catching the mouth) than other riders perhaps because these riders were more conscious of their bodies. Certainly, a svelte beautifully postured rider presents a very flattering picture, but the picture alone ain’t where it’s (supposed to be) at!! I must admit that one of the best riders I have ever know was quite heavy; she completed several upper level events and won big in the hunter ring in the 70’s and early 80’s(BIG A shows). She was also much more fit than many of her slimmer competition.

Thanks CTT - I hadn’t read this page until today, and I do hope, Trying To Smile, you ahve taken the time to read through all these threads. Please do not hesitate to email CTT or me directly if you need to talk to someone -
And next time someone tells you it’s your weight holding you back - believe me it ISN’T, tell them “BU******, it’s you telling me thing like that!” (I think I put int he right number of stars!) Meanwhile - go watch the GUYS out there winning - believe me, many of them are NOT tiny & lithe & skinny. I will say, I certainly don’t fall into those categories, but (on good days) I don’t do too badly, either. Or go watch that wonderful young Canadien rider - she isn’t aneorexic like many of ours, and she is certainly winning and looking wonderful while she is at it. Or Olympic Bronze medalist, Heidi Robiani (1984) - She did an AMAZING job.

Be Strong! And BE CONFIDENT - the confidence will make or break you every time. Make sure your balance and basics are the best they can be. And if your coach give your grief about your weight - FIND ANOTHER COACH - one who will support and applaud you (AS well as teach you what you still need to learn.)

Take care.

By the way, it has taken me 45 years to tell my mother - who is now almost 85 - that when she makes a comment about my big butt, it is not very nice and certainly not appropriate. And I did it this week - felt great. Of course, she’s a tad (!) forgetful, so she will do it again, but I will keep saying it. So don’t wait so long to tell your mother the same thing - but try not to fight, just say, Mom, that not nice and not appropriate and mostly, that is not true.

Good luck.

I would like to point out in response to the post referencing a reply that “NOT ME” is the most prolific member of this sport.

I agree the issue may not be there, but does that mean it won’t. Of course there is a difference between divisions judged on the horse vrs. those judged on the rider. However, it is as silly for the rider to be judged for “skinny” as it would be for a western horse to be judged for the amount of silver on the sadlle and tack.

Both issues are technically covered in equitation the phrase “general appearance” is an excuse for prejudice. In western it’s appointments that gives a loop hole.

We on the other hand could take the lead from Spain, they passed a “Law” that no advertising models could be smaller than a size 6. They are also concerned about the image problem which is affecting the general health and fitness of it’s citizens.

Pick up the torch and run with it, we can do that too.


it’s John 3:16.

I just went to my physician yesterday and was talking to her about weight issues. She told me that her sis-in-law, who is an MD/PhD, did her doctoral dissertation on weight image in Fiji. Apparently, the Fijians don’t even have a word for “diet.” The women were comfortable with a larger sillouette. I don’t know about the health part. When she went back to visit, she found that 60% of the female population was then dieting because two years earlier, television had entered their culture.

Pony girl – you look fine! I like your following hand release, too. I’m sure GM would like it! I’ll be in Tucson on Tuesday!

First of all- I am not Cozmo of earlier posts on this thread, but I am glad that she is getting help. I am a 33 yo mommy, trainer, store owner,wife… I am 5’8" tall , and weigh-gasp 140. Nobody believes me because I am very fit. I wish that the weight issue were not one, but rather health. I wear a size 28long Breech- Pikeur, TS don’t fit me, a14 GP show coat & a size 38-40 riding shirt. AND I have people coming up to me & asking why I am so skinny. Well,when I tell them what I weigh & they see how I eat, it is obvious to them that I am not anorectic or bulemic. Yes, I have had people follow me to the bathroom. Since childbirth 8 years ago, I have to pee a lot I do not mind my kids being a little chunky & I have NEVER said a word to them , except to remind them to eat fruit & drink a lot of water.

Well I have finally decided to add to this thread after thinking about it for a long time. I am one of those short, pudgy pony riders you see, and while it doesn’t seem to hurt me at all in the pony hunters for ribbons, a few times I have been passed up for WIHS or AHSA pony eq ribbons for those leggy kids (heheh sorry about that) who are thinner than me. But it hasn’t bothered me at all until recently. While right now I have a children’s hunter, he is not capable of the 3’6 (he’s one of those oldie but goodie packers, yes I admit) and so my trainer and I have been searching for a horse to take me to the bigger stuff. Recently I have tried out three different very expensive, very nice hunters, two of which have qualified and competed in Indoors before and one of which has taken many championships this year in the first year greens. While none of these horses were the right horse for me, one of the trainers (watching me try out his very pricey junior hunter) said to my trainer “She would look perfect on this small junior, if only she lost 15 pounds!” I felt sooo bad as I got off that horse! I show and compete my large pony, jogging at some of the best shows under the best judges! Why did this trainer think that I looked wrong on his 15.3 hand horse, if I can ride my 14.2 h pony successfully! My trainer didn’t realize I heard that well-known trainer’s comments or at least she hasn’t mentioned anything to me about it yet. But it has definitely made an impact! I realize now that most of the other pony kids I ride against are thinner and leggier and whereas before I didn’t question the pinnings of a class and the weights of riders in it, I started to wonder last weekend, does their weight make a slight difference in the judge’s opinon? If there was a close tie, let’s say two riders with scores 80 and 80, and a judge had to decide who to pin first, would he pin the thinner rider? While it bothered me, I wasn’t losing sleep over it until I heard another famous trainer saying to my trainer that I should definitely try his almost 17 hand warmblood who was having a great winning year so far because “it would make her look right, very correct and thin”. Correct = thin?? I have always been pudgy, from the time I rode my small pony at Devon. So why now do I feel so bad for it! AAAH! I know when I go this year I will be paying more attention to the whole weight issue, and like Cozmo said, it does make a difference! I have gone on a diet…