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What would the OP do to provide more pain relief for neck arthritis? My guy has neck arthritis and is also on equioxx. however, we are reducing that dose for a bit due to some high liver values in bloodwork. He gets regular massage and chiro treatments. What else would you all suggest?

I’d suggest to the OP to scope for ulcers. A few years ago I took my boy to University of MO for a scope. (after doing the succeed test) the vets there are really opposed to the succeed fecal test for ulcers. They refuse to use it for diagnosis. Just some food for thought there. I hate scoping, but it’s a good way to get some solid answers. At least for foregut issues.

I’d give more and more hay if he’ll eat it or what about alfalfa pellets/cubes for more calories? My guy loves his pellets and is sure to scarf them up. I have a hard keeping senior OTTB.

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Where is the neck arthritis, and what stage of remodeling?

I’ve done neck injections with very positive results. My vet also suggests Pentosan – while it is meant to tackle a different type of cartilage than that of the neck, he believes it helps supplement the “supporting” joints that are working harder to compensate for the neck.

Some management considerations: I think that hay nets can be hard for those with CA – feeding low on the ground or from a low manger helps. Joint supplements like MSM are cheap and also seem to help, as well as much turnout as possible and neck stretching exercises (stretch to chest, stretch to shoulder, stretch to flank, stretch to hip - repeat 3x each side, every day).

I’d start with neck injections and shockwave. Some horses find relief from PEMF as well. I like to avoid bute/banamine/Equioxx for long term things due to the risk of gastric issues, unless its the only thing that’s financially feasible or its the only thing that works.

NSAIDs did not help my horse with neck arthritis. He did respond well to injections. We also maintained with PEMF, acupuncture, regular mobilization exercises (carrot stretches), microcurrent. Shockwave didn’t do enough to be worth the price. Mesotherapy probably did help but made him really itchy, which was interesting—we were mostly looking for improvement on his back there (did not really help) but did the neck at the same time.

Generally, he liked acupuncture the best, especially with microcurrent. We also did Adequan and Legend in conjunction with steroid injections.

Methocarbamol sometimes might have helped, and I always used a neck rug on his blankets in winter.

Not necessarily true. I knew a five-year old grey horse who was fine and in training - with a full show schedule - right up until the day he colicked. He was rushed to the emergency vet, where they found his intestines full of tumors. He may show now colic symptoms of internal tumors at all - or he may feel some pain from them, but they’re not to the point of causing him to colic yet. That horse, BTW, was in perfect weight/health right up until that last day.

I would have the vet palpate, and perhaps do an ultrasound, just to be sure.

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Ahh yes I did neck injections, but that’s not something I do often. Also the second time, the vet injected the wrong place. My guy will be 27 in Jan though, so I won’t haul him to get injected anymore unless I absolutely have to.