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Weird Hair Loss in Older Horse

There’s an older arabian gelding at our ranch - about 33 years old. For the last couple years, when he starts to shed out for the summer, the hair comes out in clumps and leaves him almost bald. It does not seem to itch and there are no scabs. The skin feels oily in the bare patches. He will eventually grow a summer coat but he still looks a little “mangy”. He has been wormed regularly and we have tried bathing him with iodine shampoo, rosemary oil and treating with listerine. Nothing really seems to help. Has anyone ever seen this? Do you think it could be an immune issue based on his age? I’ll try to get some pictures tonight.

Has he been tested for cushings? My pony did that one fall. Fortunately his replacement coat came in quickly.


He has not been tested for Cushing. Here’s some pics from today.

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That looks a lot like my pony did, though he was balder. It only happened the one year though thank goodness! I’m not saying it is, but it might be something to check.


I agree…test him. His back is quite dropped. We had one who molted that way… he was positive for PPID.