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Welcome to my new girl!

We adopted another greyhound last week, bringing us back up to three. She is a 9 year old former broodmom - she had five litters of puppies back in Ireland before she was retired. She’s had so much change in her life in this past month, but she is settling in like a superstar.

It’s so heartwarming/heartbreaking to see such an old girl act like a puppy. Toys are super exciting, mirrors are fascinating, and stairs are a little scary.

She is way too ribby right now so we need to get some weight on her.

She’s also our first hound with a very high prey drive so that’s a new one.

She’s skittish but very affectionate. I can’t wait to see what she’s like a month from now. :heart:

Merry early Christmas to me!


Awww, she’s precious and looks right at home.
Congratulations and thank you for taking in the old gal.

What an angel! You are both lucky to have found each other.

So beautiful!
Sounds like you are blessing each other with new things.

Wow! She’s beautiful, we need more pictures! Thank you for adopting her, older dogs don’t have many chances. I’m playing with the idea of adopting an old grey (we already have a 13yo) but the house is small and we already have two big dogs.
Prey drive will decrease a bit during time but don’t lower your guard.
Merry Christmas to you both!

Congrats on your newest addition!! She has landed in a wonderful spot with you!

Once in a while I toy with the idea of a third dog. We have two seniors - 13 and 10 years old. So far my emotional urge for another dog has been tempered by the rational reasons for why that’s not a good idea.

I’m living vicariously through the stories of adding new doggos to the pack here - so keep up with your posting and pictures please!

What a grand old dame!! What is her name?


Thank you for opening your heart / home to an older dog. I can’t wait to see her when she has ‘filled’ out a bit.

Please share more picture!

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Congratulations! She’s beautiful and seems so happy curled up in her new bed <3

Love her! Wondering about her name too!

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A couple more photos with the rest of the gang. I don’t know how she convinced them to let her get so close, as the other two do not snuggle with each other. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We changed her name to Nora, as it seems to fit her personality and befits her Irish heritage.

A couple more days and we’ll take her collar off when she’s at home. Just not quite ready to let go on being able to hear where she is when I can’t see her!

She is an absolute love. She tends to follow me around and is pretty brave and curious. The other two are very happy to have another friend to help them keep the backyard safe from deer and turkeys. I’m sure my neighbors love the dog barking at 5am. :smile:



@cilla1 @MissusS We had three before… we adopted the big male brindle as #3 when we had two and our older girl was 14. Some advance planning, if you will. Of course, our older girl made it to 15 1/2 so we had three for a while. I have been missing the craziness of having three dogs - the house felt a little too quiet. And the ages worked out well - then we had a 4 year old, seven year old, and 14 year old. With the current three, they are 7, 9, and 10.

And yes, I am a total enabler!


The brindle boy is huge! How beautiful :heart: and she must be a real hearthbreaker to convince them to share the bed with her. The ages are perfect now, we have a 3 yo and a 13yo and sometimes it’s a little complicated

My 10 year old boy will be devestated to become an only dog - he is so bonded to his older sister that most of the time he can’t even go to the bathroom outside without her being out there with him.

My 13 year old girl tolerates the younger boy but would very likely resent any new dog that comes in at this stage in her life.

Honestly with how unpredictable life can be with dogs of this age, it would not surprise me if the older one outlived the younger one. That’s the biggest barrier keeping me from getting a third (that and a very sensible husband who was a hard sell on a second dog in the first place…).

I know. Last time we weighed him at the vet, he was 92 lbs. And not overweight. :slight_smile:

We joke he’s like a cruise ship. Long and wide and hard to park. Luckily he’s a gentle giant.

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I hear you. I always knew the one we had would live a long time - I swear attitude goes a long way and she was always such an easy-going, happy girl. And no major health issues, unlike our previous ones, both of whom we lost to cancer. She was pretty spry until about 15 1/4 … the last few months she aged quickly until we had to let her go.

Holy moley! My big grey is 76 lbs and lean, so I bet he could get to 92 without being overweight also. Meanwhile my female is a little voluptuous at 63 lbs :slight_smile:

Some more photos of sweet Nora:

She is getting better and better each day! Such a little wiggly love bug.


I love how our grey owners floors are covered in beds, rugs, pillows and blankets lol
Nora is a sweetie and she’s mixing well with her new pack

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