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Welcome Tom the Cat

Out photo assignment for the week was a portrait with title and quote. So I decided to up the ante by doing a self portrait with a cat.


even his exit is lovely!
He will be a great cat for years to come!


I love them both! Wonderful! Very real and beautiful (and funny!)


He looks very content and comfortable!


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

He looks so happy and so do you. What great pics! Thank you.

P.S. I have had all my cats for all their lives and I can’t make them do what Tom is doing. He really bonded with you and is very smart.


The exit was his idea. He has that tuxedo cat trait of wanting to sit on shoulders like Socks, the presidential cat.

But he was awfully good since my process was, starting with camera on tripod focussed on chair with settings for 20-sec delay and six exposures:
Press shutter
Pick up cat
Sit in chair and attempt to pose

This was repeated at least eight times until he had enough.


Oh those are GREAT! Thanks for sharing.
Tom looks so contented but then so do you. :purple_heart:


your patience has paid off! Those shots are great!

I’ve never had a shoulder-rider cat, but I do have one that insists on being carried around so he can inspect the walls and room perimeter. My husband blames himself for creating this behavior, but it has gotten to the point where the cat will meow his request, and will proceed to put his front paws on your shoulder until you pick him up and take him on a tour. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ what kitty wants, kitty gets.


Ah yes, WE create the monsters, we complain about them but we secretly (or not so secretly) love them for it.

Jack has learned that if he wants to be picked up, all he has to do is stand up and put his paws on my shoulders and I will heave him up where he drapes over my shoulder halfway down my back with his arms stuck straight out in front of him, purring like a madman and kneading the air. Goofball…


Tom has decided that a cookie-baking business might be good this time of year.

I was ready to confine him to the part of the house that doesn’t include the kitchen, but he stayed out of the way. Mostly he slept on the couch.

When I got out the tins for cookie storage, I found this one that I’ve probably had for 20 years.


That is display worthy!


make him some kitty cookies!


Look at his happy face! He needs cookies. That tin is the universe telling you to bake him some. lol


That tin is the universe telling you that you and Tom were meant to be. Not that you needed that assurance. Thanks for the pics.:kissing_heart:


Tom’s coming was foretold! I’m not surprised Tom is at home in the kitchen - he is a taco chef after all!

My youngsters got a bit overexcited when I was unwrapping the hershey kisses for the peanut butter blossom cookies. Fun bits of paper tails and shiny red and green foil! what fun! Lets knock over the bowl when mom isn’t looking so we can play with our new toys! :roll_eyes:

I should have known better than to put catnip mice (still in a packaging!) in their xmas stockings. Milo pulled 2 down and was trying to rip open the bag within about 3 hours. What a fool I was to think that he wouldn’t try to open their goodies early. Stockings are now removed from the banister hiding in the pantry until “Santa Paws” brings them out Xmas morning. I did splurge on some catnip bubbles. I’ve never tried them before, but they seem like a fun addition to the toy chest.

BTW - I love that your cookie tins are citrus crate labels from SoCal!


One epic childhood year I decided to give the cats catnip for Christmas. I carefully wrapped the box and put it under the tree. A few mornings before Christmas, we came downstairs to a scene of mass destruction. Wrapping paper, cardboard, and catnip everywhere. And, in the middle of it, one very stoned cat.

Tom has been enjoying his daily treats from the TJ’s Cat Advent Calendar that his Santa Cruz relatives gave him. I have some Christmas toys stowed away that I will leave for the cat sitter to give him on Christmas. I am hoping that by having someone stay here for a few days, as opposed to going in and out, that it might help him get used to other people.


Updating with a few more current photos. The possibly not cuddly cat is currently sitting on my lap and purring, though he was scaling things earlier.


Great pictures!! Especially the 2nd one. Thanks for the update! I’m so glad that he’s doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:


:heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

What a HANDSOME boy! Cover of GQ worthy!