I went to the consignment store today for a totally different reason than looking at saddles. And I saw a used saddle that caught my eye. Nothing special, just a trail saddle, but something about it made me do a double-take. I eyeballed the width and thought it would probably fit Mac. I sat in it and the seat has cushion (good for my bony butt) and the ground seat is built up enough that it has a good twist for me and isn’t too wide.
So I brought it home and have it on trial. I wasn’t going to ride today but I thought I’d just do a small trail loop to see if I like it. Before I got it all cinched up, I put it on Mac’s back to do a preliminary check to see if it would even be worth it.
Goodness me! It sat on him like it was made for him. When I moved it around there was no rolling from side-to-side (a common problem I’ve had), it didn’t feel like it was bridging or rocking. There was enough wither clearance but not too much. It just went right on him and there it was.
Okay, good first test. Put a thin pad on and cinched it up, adjusted the fenders to suit me. Bridled him up and hit the trails. It didn’t pull over when I mounted (I do mount from a tree stump, but still). The whole time it was centered and steady on his back (I’ve fought rolling a lot). Hmmmm…let’s try a little trot. He was very forward. My legs didn’t move around a lot and my jeans didn’t ride up (a problem I’ve had when fighting other saddles). He went forward nicely and came back just fine. The saddle didn’t roll around (did I say that already?:winkgrin:).
He did spook at something in the water and gave a little leap but the saddle stayed put.
I’ve gone through western saddle fitting hell trying to find something that fits him and me. Had one saddle I liked but he outgrew it. Got one that I liked but the angles weren’t quite right for him. Got one that was supposed to fit (was made for him) and the bars were too straight so it rolled a lot on him which made it really uncomfortable for my back and I fought it all the time. Got another one that was made for him that fit him well but it was too wide for me and I couldn’t ride in it. Tried one that I thought I liked but then where the jockey meets the skirt I thought would rub me after a while. Then I gave up. I contacted Horse Saddle Shop and they were going to order one for me to try but it would have to be made and the orders are backed up right now.
And then I find this one. At the tack store. On a whim. And it is not even a fancy or expensive saddle! It is a Circle Y High Horse (their affordable line). Deciphering the plate on it, it is a Winchester model, wide tree, made in 2014. It has a leg-cut skirt and double-padded seat.
Go figure!!! I still have two more days to try it but so far it is the best western saddle I have sat in, even compared against ones that were made for me! :eek::lol: