Car sick ball of adorableness is currently on Wellness Core Grain-Free Puppy formula, but GOOD GOD THE FARTS. And her BMs smell even more awful than when I first got her and she was on Hills Ideal Balance (I did the slow switch-over to Wellness). Is this a “thing” with this particular line? A friend was over last night and happened to be standing downwind post-poop and I thought she was going to keel over–which I nearly do several times a day when picking it up.
Is it just a matter of being too rich? A coworker had his dog on Wellness Core and had to switch the dog because he and his wife couldn’t take the flatulence either. I want to give my pup the best, but not if it’s too much for her little belly! I think Blue Buffalo might be too much for her, too. I could go back to the Hills but…