I went to an open horse show a couple of weeks ago and observed some horses being schooled prior to their class. Some of the training looked very heavy handed to me and I wonder if it crossed the line over to being abusive. For example, a couple of the participants were practicing their showmanship pattern. One individual in particular was very frustrated. She had a chain on horse which she jerked very hard every time she went through the pattern. Noticed a subtle jerk but a wham! This happened about eight times. Her friend was doing the same thing with her horse - jerking the chain too - her horse actually reared over and flipped over on its back. Move the riding classes. One individual was riding a greenie in a Western Pleasure class. The horse spooked at the end of the arena and as a correction the rider proceeded to jerk the horse’s mouth side to side. Rider jerked horse’s head side to side about five times. Another rider was frustrated with her horse’s performance and when she left the ring she started hitting the horse with the reins.
What do you think?