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WERM flooring concerns?

2017 4Star 2+1 here and I adore my WERM flooring. At 57, pulling mats is the last thing I want to do. As posted above, I take good care of the flooring. I don’t leave waste in my trailer after hauling, instead cleaning it out after each use. I also close up my trailer after cleaning it up and never leave it open to the elements. My horses are also barefoot. Not the least bit of an issue and I highly recommend, and my spine thanks me.

Honestly having had other aluminum trailers with just rubber mats where anything and everything got between them and the floor, logically the WERM just makes sense. There are drain holes in the floor and nothing is trapped. Also do not miss acid treating the aluminum flooring periodically.

It is not slippery and I’ve not had any horse skate around on the flooring. I do keep shavings down that I pick and sweep out as needed. One of the best purchases I’ve ever made.


I’m checking in to see if anyone else would like to chime in regarding WERM vs mats. When I had mats, I used gorilla tape to seal the space between the mats. It did mean I had to ask someone to help me move the mats in and out.

Does anyone feel the WERM is rather slippery?

I did get my WERM flooring installed and had a rebuild of the aluminum floor underneath in the process. But given where I live, we took the trailer directly from the trailer shop to winter storage as our dirt roads are not safe for trailering during winters here. I am eager to report back this spring though, when my very nervous traveler will take her first trip in the trailer to a spring endurance ride!

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I don’t find the WERM to be slippery. I do put down shavings (large flake if I just have my mare in the trailer because she never pees, small flake for my gelding because he always does).

The only thing I don’t like about the WERM is that you can’t get it clean unless you hose or powerwash. Because the WERM is textured (so it’s not slick) it holds bits of poop, and if they pee it holds a bit of shavings residue. I like the trailer to look clean so unless I’m going to be using it again immediately I generally hose it out every time I use it.

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The WERM flooring in my trailer is textured but very hard. Even with shavings down, there have been some slips with shod horses. Now I have shavings over mats over WERM.

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This is very interesting. Thank you. I hauled mine in a trailer w WERM flooring and he seemed to scramble on the turn (navigated very slowly) into my driveway. It’s a turn w a small dip down. I always have bedding in my trailer. So…mats over the WERM w bedding??? When I had mats, I used gorilla tape to seal the seams. It worked very well. I don’t remember hearing him scramble on mats.