Western New York Equine Lawyer?

Or are you trying to be coy and make this out to be a game of clue…the rescue made this happen

Great diversion technique, but for us who get it, we see this really comes down to irresponsible horse ownership. Many opportunities that this situation could have been righted by the owner but instead she chose what seems to be wrong with many in this world…entitlement…entitled to sit on property that wasn’t hers and allow others to take care of her horses. When the outcome didn’t suit her agenda now she wants to cry foul. The horses are collateral damage bc they HAD NO CHOICES. Thankful some now have a chance and are being cared for as they should have been by their owner.


It seems to suggest the rescue runs entirely on donations and makes no profit. Presumably any adoption fees are under “contributions” as there is no income line on this standard form for sales or adoption fees. The annual revenue/expense is just over $200,000 a year with no recorded compensation to the directors. This does not excessive to me.

Where things can get shady in rescues is if they are piggybacking personal horses or a personal sales barn alongside a nonprofit rescue, so that they get the facilities paid for by the nonprofit. You can’t tell this ftom these very basic token IRS forms.

Also there is no reason a rescue can’t sell a horse, or charge whatever adoption fee or price it feels is fair. You’d need to look at the bylaws and policies of that organization. Personally I’d rather see a rescue selling good using horses than just hoarding.

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Is there a reason why you allegedly adopted two horses to this individual, celebrating on a post on FB how she was a wonderful owner? Can you verify that other people were taking care of her horses as she was “sitting on the property”?

This is a challenging situation, and I have no question that it could have been better handled both by the owner of the horses, and the legal system. However, regardless as to who the lease was with, if she had a lease, that is an issue here.

If you knew about this well in advance of the horses being removed from the farm, and well prior to the sale, why didn’t you act to intervene, rather than wait for an opportunity to buy the horses? This isn’t a seizure, and no welfare charges were ever filed, allegedly. The pictures that you have shown may or may not be her horses, and may or may not have been when they were in the owner’s possession- rather than the couple of months that they were in the care custody and control of someone whom you apparently know. What did the rescue do to care for those horses after they were removed from the farm? If their condition was so serious, did you bring in Veterinarians to attend to the mares and foals?

You’re claiming to have intimate knowledge of the situation. If the horses left the owner’s farm in that condition, why wouldn’t you get animal welfare involved, and have an actual seizure? At that point, the horses would actually be defined as rescues. However, at that point, they would also be able to be adopted by anyone who wanted to give them great homes, instead of being able to obtain them en masse.

And, what happened to the other 21 head that you clearly have knowledge of?


ASBstars, was this woman in a relationship with the foreclosed land owner?

I’m not sure who you think you are addressing but the information I provided came not only from the owners own admissions, but also from some that were close to her that were very upset over what she did. I have no information that supports that she neglected horses prior to the events that unfolded in may. She clearly hid all of these legalities from all that knew her. Sadly many have skeletons in their closet that involve legal situations and I am sure YOU clearly can identify with this.

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The owner of the horses boyfriend owned the property that was foreclosed on

That is disengenous to leave that out of the facts. This woman is highly unlikely to be a tenant. Just as I thought might be the case…there is more to this story. We’ve been taken for a ride, I think.

The thin horses are appalling but it is very hard to get animal control involved/seizures, surely we all know that. Especially in summer where all an owner needs to show is access to water as there is “feed”/grass naturally.

I also feel like this is the type of manipulative person who uses the good natures of her “friends” to gather sympathy she doesn’t deserve. I felt sorry for her, but that’s quickly disappearing.

Remember pintopiaffe, anyone? She had us convinced she was a decent person for years until that blew up and it became clear the facts were very different.


I’m going to say that IME, the combination of 20 to 40 horses in a family whose farm is being foreclosed is generally going to devolve into a horse welfare issue. The whole story makes sense now.

I’ve had some exposure to the logic of horse seizures via a barn friend at the SPCA and other observations.

Virtually every person who has livestock seized feels the process is unfair and that people are out to get them. They very rarely admit they themselves were in over their heads and screwed up.

Therefore I tend to discount these claims.


And I too was snowed by her. Until I learned the facts. I do feel sorry for her, but only because she clearly had time to change this course and if she had been honest with those who knew her she also could have had resources available to help her horses. Because we all were in the dark it left people scrambling to help…and by help I mean for the horses bc they are the innocent in this. I hope that those on here fighting for her side will spend that same energy trying to secure the safety of her remaining horses. They don’t have a voice

I really do not know.

If you knew about this in May, why didn’t you contact animal welfare? Why wait, if it really was as bad as you are describing? If the welfare of the animals was first and foremost, and this was an emergency, contacting the authorities should have been top of your list- in MAY.

Regarding skeletons- I am guilty of nothing. If you want to go down that road, I have ALL of the facts.

By the way, have you ever placed a horse with someone who had been convicted of animal cruelty? Think about that one.

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Are they ever? Rarely seems to happen even in the most horrible cases.

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Why didn’t the tenant pay the $4500?? That would have avoided all of this.

Another question refused to be answered.

bolded line ???


Keep trying to divert the attention from the real issue at hand. I was not aware there was a legal issue until October FYI. And my attorney is happy to talk with you if need be. Does Halston manor ring a bell? There are people who like to stir up stuff and then there are people who actually have boots to the ground. You clearly have identified which one you are.

Did you help any of her horses? Did you pull them from the auction? If not maybe you can tell all of us why not? You are putting up a front like you are so invested in helping her yet you have not helped the ones who needed it most? The horses. She has a job and a place to live…what about those horses?

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I wholly expected the new information to be closer to the truth. Sad but true. Someone has a large amount of horses. Someone knows rent isn’t being paid, makes no attempt to decrease the herd and actually continues to breed them. It never turns out that some poor helpless person is taken advantage of and gorgeous shiny healthy horses are seized and hidden. Never.


I had boots on the ground from the time I was pulling horses off of the Amish road when I was 15.

If you knew about this in May, why didn’t you act then? Why wait? I didn’t hear a thing about the situation until you had the horses. Then again, you’re the one with the rescue.

Yes, I sure do know who Hallston was- they are defunct. And, once again, I am guilty of nothing. I’m sure you’ve got a point. The question that I asked about placing a horse with someone who has been charged with animal cruelty goes directly to my point.

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If you are claiming you don’t know if the persons landlord was their bf, you dont know why the $4500 wasn’t paid…how do you know all this other stuff? And whether its legit?


I clearly stated I did not know about the legal issues until october. You are way off base

How many of her horses did you help? Of course you won’t answer bc the answer is none. So you don’t have boots on the ground…just a keyboard and armchair quarterback. Not sure how that helps her horses one bit.

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It looks like the same horse to me…

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