Is there a reason why you allegedly adopted two horses to this individual, celebrating on a post on FB how she was a wonderful owner? Can you verify that other people were taking care of her horses as she was “sitting on the property”?
This is a challenging situation, and I have no question that it could have been better handled both by the owner of the horses, and the legal system. However, regardless as to who the lease was with, if she had a lease, that is an issue here.
If you knew about this well in advance of the horses being removed from the farm, and well prior to the sale, why didn’t you act to intervene, rather than wait for an opportunity to buy the horses? This isn’t a seizure, and no welfare charges were ever filed, allegedly. The pictures that you have shown may or may not be her horses, and may or may not have been when they were in the owner’s possession- rather than the couple of months that they were in the care custody and control of someone whom you apparently know. What did the rescue do to care for those horses after they were removed from the farm? If their condition was so serious, did you bring in Veterinarians to attend to the mares and foals?
You’re claiming to have intimate knowledge of the situation. If the horses left the owner’s farm in that condition, why wouldn’t you get animal welfare involved, and have an actual seizure? At that point, the horses would actually be defined as rescues. However, at that point, they would also be able to be adopted by anyone who wanted to give them great homes, instead of being able to obtain them en masse.
And, what happened to the other 21 head that you clearly have knowledge of?