Western New York Equine Lawyer?

So the “guy” who had them for months, who took 17 to a sale looking awful, and disposed of the other 23 somehow, seems less like a good Samaritan and more an opportunist.

Which puts this in a different light…

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And where is @endlessclimb bet she’s going to jump up and down at this new plot twist


I was told he was authorized to pick up the horses and law enforcement was aware. She did try to file them as stolen and they refused to take her report.

Well, that’s just awful. I haven’t seen anything that indicates that anyone had the legal right to move the horses to another facility. I am not saying that leaving them there was the right thing to do, but desperate times, etc. I understand the theory of needing to compensate an approved facility for care, but I haven’t seen anything showing that the removal was bona fide, let alone someone charging a board bill. Even if all of that is kosher, I have never seen a horseman’s lien play out that quickly. Let’s say the person who took possession of the horses takes them in late August. Thirty days for a bill Them, you have to advertise the thing and file it. Thirty more days. And the horses were sold 10.15.22? It just doesn’t add up.


So, your rescue doesn’t have a paper trail showing that all of this was above board?


So what is she, legally then? Does tenant mean only someone who pays rent?
She’s not a squatter.
She’s a guest?

I lived at the farm I worked at in PA, rent free.
I wasn’t a squatter.
I was after 30 days, a legal resident of PA.

Lauren K didn’t pay rent, she lived on a property in NJ for months, and was supposed to be removed via the eviction process like a tenant.

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LE is often uninterested in being involved in what they deem “civil matters”.

I’m not a lawyer. But I believe that in this case the girlfriend would be treated as family of the foreclosed property owner. So subject to same process as the property owner

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But if she was actually paying a fee to rent/lease the property on which she did house her animals… Doesn’t she have some rights there

A rescue buying horses at an auction is not illegal. They were told a little over 24 hours prior the horses would be at the auction. Would you have rather they shipped to slaughter or be posted on Moores. Brian Moore was there to buy them all. They were in such poor shape they could hardly travel. Per vet, farrier, and dentist these horsrs had lacked good care for quite some time. Not to mention the mares may all be pregnant thx to indiscriminate breeding.

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Told by whom?

So not fit to sell by NYS Ag&Markets standards.

“were in such poor shape they could hardly travel”
But you purchased a few and shipped them to your own farm?


They were posted on unadilla. They are being fostered. None were sold even though that is what some on here would like others to think. They will need long term vetcare and nutritional care.


None of the 17 taken to Unadilla were sold, but were/are (presently) actually being fostered?
Why are they wearing USDA tags if they’re not being run through?


@fordtraktor That’s awful about getting your horses back! What did the facility do to place roadblocks?

Not a law comment: Why were the horses neglected on the property? Even if there was a property dispute, why wasn’t care arranged by someone?

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I dunno. If me and my partner have a way to split bills am I paying rent or are we a couple making life work?


It sounds like THEY were evicted, so the horses left behind would be considered abandoned property, not subject to a stableman’s lien. It isn’t “board” per se, and landlords are entitled to charge “storage fees” etc. for abandoned property. It sounds like the $4500 on which she was supposed to pay to get a stay was going toward the care of the horses. likely thinking they were never going to see a penny and didn’t want to hold 40 head for free, the horses were sold after 30 days to recoup the costs associated with their care (likely as directed by sheriff/marshal).


Not 100% sure but most of the time these things have to be run through public auction and can’t just be rehomed by the sheriff.

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lol there’s a LOT more details to that you are leaving out and not everyone on the forum knows or cares about who LK is.

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What should they do, just leave them to get shipped to Mexico and no one adopt them?

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