Legally, when you purchase a property, you are buying it “subject to” any contracts that are in place. Bear in mind, a contract doesn’t have to be in writing. For example, if you buy farm land with a crop on it, the farmer has the right to harvest their crop, barring any agreement extinguishing that right. This is the case with virtually any form of a lease. You buy a property with a tenant of any kind, and the lease isn’t terminated? Presto- you are a landlord!
A “public sale” can be run on your driveway. All you need is correct notice, and an above board sale.
It wasn’t so much the facility, it was just a lot of paperwork and proving ownership and figuring where the heck she was as no one could tell me for hours. all I wanted to do was get her to my vet ASAP! But the facility people were actually lovely and explained to me how the system works for horses in our area that somehow end up in the sheriff’s hands. They did their best but were really cattle people, she was in shock and needed medical care. It was very traumatic for us both, especially since she was a weanling and alone.
Not if you reside with your boyfriend on his property.
Not so. If they aren’t married, or she isn’t on the deed, they are completely separate parties.
And LK wasn’t the property owner’s girlfriend so there’s that too
Understood- but the lease for the barn and pastures would be a different thing. It is my understanding that it was affirmed that she had a lease in place. It was how that was handled as this farce moved on that is the issue.
Maybe so maybe not.
Seems to me like the court of law already decided that she wasn’t a tenant though and her being the owner’s girlfriend seems like a terribly likely reason
I believe that Foxy Fizz has seen some documentation to the contrary.
Who knows why they were taken to that sale…a driveway sale would be even sketchier/less above board than an established sale IMO. At least people were notified they were going and hopefully able to get them to a safe location.
The owner can’t really expect that horses abandoned post-eviction in poor condition are going to be sold full price. Why hadn’t she sold them already? I would give my horses away rather than let them fall into a situation like this.
I’d probably have sold half of my 40 horses and kept my boyfriend’s farm I was “leasing” out of foreclosure
Either way the court didn’t believe any documentation was legitimate. She lost the case. You don’t get to keep squatting until an appeal is heard unless there is a stay, and she didn’t pay as required so the temporary stay was lifted. This is really all the horse owner’s fault. I don’t see any evidence the sheriff, rescues, whoever did anything inconsistent with the judge’s ruling.
We don’t know that they were in “poor” condition. As I stated, I’ve seen dated pix where they look just fine. Therefore, we don’t know that the owner had let them get into a condition where they needed to be “given away”.
It’s my understanding that the owner allegedly reached out to Dreamscape for assistance with the horses, and that may be the notification to the rescue that the horses were in danger. That may be why the rescue stated that they knew about this in May.
Please understand that there were some really well bred horses in this group. Cleaned up and in training, they could have been worth a significant amount of money. The allegedly rescue knew exactly who all of the horses were.
Why didn’t she sell some of them then? She certainly had that option available to her for YEARS since the property went into foreclosure in 2019 or so. I know you feel bad for her but 40 horses is a LOT and she knew this was coming. Are there mental health issues involved? It sounds like there have to be because no rational person could justify this.
I have a farm and there is a reason I have 4 horses instead of 40!
Pics here or it didn’t happen, simply because we have pics that show otherwise.
Lol, including you
No we actually do not. 🤦
I thought the horses were basically “stolen” and sold without merit? Now the owner reached out the rescue?
Seems like people are butt hurt because they didn’t get their hands on some of the fancy ones at the sale.
Is that supposed to be an insult cause its actually a compliment haha
They weren’t adopted.
My point is if shipping them a couple dozen miles was beyond their fitness, I can’t imagine shipping to… TN was a great idea…
And mexico doesn’t want horses that fit the description she gives of them:
Moore’s got plenty of horses with meat on them, which is what slaughter plants want.