Western New York Equine Lawyer?


This is a gelding who allegedly is by a stallion named Tomcat. The picture is from the sale.

Under what authority did this guy “home” horses that were not his property??! :flushed:

And frankly you say you weren’t at the sale, and didn’t gave an “agent” there, so how can you claim to know anything?


I have not avoided any questions. I can’t answer what I have no knowledge of and I certainly have not misrepresented anything. The two of you have misrepresented yourselves fathoming concern for a lady who made many grievous mistakes and now using it to attack the rescue. Shame on both of you but because I know your history I am not the least surprised. You are on this site bc there are few saddlebred people here. You are clearly aware that you would not be greeted so kindly.

Nothing I did or the rescue has any bearing on finding her representation.

I never said I was not at the sale

I absolutely see mistakes this owner may have made, but still, as a horse owner and rescue volunteer of decades, I also have some unanswered questions about the steps taken, by several agencies, in this situation.

And the obfuscation and comments about people asking questions and their motives doesn’t offer much confidence.


I owe no one on here information on where these horses are and with whom. It has no bearing on the post which was to find her representation. Congratulations on being led down the rabbit hole by 2 people who would rather make this about the rescue buying the horses.

What kind of people are you? You would have rather we sit and do nothing and they go to slaughter. Wow

The rescue did nothing wrong. We buy horses at auctions quite often. Not sure why in this case it’s suddenly wrong. The owner could have sent a rep there to buy her horses. Maybe ask why she did not do so?

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It absolutely does. To lawyers, details and facts matter.
If you cared about this being fully legal and undertaken properly, the details certainly should matter to you as a representative if the rescue or any rescue.
They should also matter to any horse owner.


It does matter but me buying them at the auction has nothing to do with helping her get represented
What it does tell me is that she obviously is not responsible

What FB record? I didn’t realize that was now a legal location to find facts.

I’ve seen the ruling. Yes, abandoned property must be maintained and stored and location divulged to the tenant to retrieve at the Landlord’s sole cost. That is NY law. Ignorance staring you in the face…


You weren’t at the Sale. Your agent was - your agent that was “given” two horses for her time and efforts.

What about the 2 you left with the 2 killbuyers? One with crooked legs (Agent stated you had no use/home for him) or the 3 year old bay colt that was sold to Brian Moore? How did that work out for those horses?

36 horses left the farm on 8/26- the date you were made aware of that was 8/27. Where is the rescue in locating the whereabouts of the missing 15?

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How so?

Not a people; a person. I don’t want any horse to go to slaughter. Do you? Why did a kill buyer get hold of two of the ASBs that were at the sale? The only ASBs at that sale that night, according to witnesses, were from this group. And the same witnesses say that you were not there. Why are you being dodgy about the fact that you did not personally attend the sale?

None of this matters until you make claims that you love ASBs and rescue them by the hundreds, or dance around questions. Then, you make it about integrity.

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No, it doesn’t. It simply says that she got into a challenging situation with a whole bunch of dynamics that she could not navigate on her own.


I hope everyone on here that has any sense sees how this thread has turned into an attack on the rescue and me. Nothing I did has any bearing on the fact that she was evicted off property she sat on for THREE YEARS bc it was foreclosed on THREE YEARS ago. Keep trying to divert attention from that.

I bought what I was able to buy and I did try to buy the two you are referencing but was unable to do so bc they both went to dealers and I could not negotiate buying them.

What I do find interesting is the person who started this thread was asked by the owner to help her prior to the auction and was rudely told no(that’s straight from the owner)

all on here should understand that her sudden interest in helping now is just bc its my rescue that is involved. Proved by all the questions that are totally irrelevant



No dog in this fight but no sympathy for anyone who keeps and continues to breed horses after being told they are facing eviction, and clearly works the system to stay on as long as possible for free. None. Zero. Zilch. Property owners who rent/lease don’t deserve that trash and they are the real victims.


I started the thread. I have never spoken to the owner. THIS is one of the reasons that no one can trust anything that you are saying. In addition, the foreclosure was early THIS year, and the sale of the property occurred in April of 2022. You need to use facts. They are helpful.

I do not happen to care what rescue was involved. It’s isn’t all about you- it’s about the horses first, and their owner, who I happen to feel was wronged. The questions- especially those you have been prevaricating about, or avoiding entirely, are important. The truth is important.

By the way, YOU did not buy any horses. The rescue that you formed did. The donors that gave the rescue did. Also important facts. When you start to believe that it is all about YOU, you are on quite a slippery slope.

And, by the way, the idea that you think that it’s OK to deny this woman the ability to get horses back that never should have been sold, in my opinion, because of the condition that they were in when you got them is ridiculous. The Tomcat gelding, as an example, was not not a welfare case by any stretch. Then again, you allegedly handed him over to your buddy for being your proxy at the sale. The one that you apparently did not actually attend.

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I personally don’t think this woman should ever own horses again. The Tomcat colt might not be a rescue case quite yet, but even in this poor quality, blurry photo you can see ribs and lack of condition. The condition of the broodmare and foal posted by ASBStars above from August was disgusting.

The foreclosure was started more than 3 years ago and the horse owner knew about it, so it’s a stretch to criticize people for saying continuing to breed was irresponsible. Of course it was irresponsible! That shouldn’t even be a question.

I don’t understand anyone who cares about horses wanting her to get them back. Very disturbing. And for the record, I knew zero about this rescue which I have never heard of before. But in light of this thread and after a review of their website, I am sending them a donation. Keep up the good work, Kr.

And really, I don’t care whether Kr or an agent bought the horses at the sale. Why does that matter? I also wouldn’t give out info on who got them because I’d worry this woman would harass them or steal them.


In a perfect world, every broodmare would be fat and slick and shiny. In the real world, some foals pull mares down more, depending on age and other factors. The pictures are from May. In a perfect world, when you get into trouble, you have year head screwed on straight, stress isn’t a factor, and you make perfect decisions. I know that hasn’t always worked for me. You can tend to believe that things will get better, despite facts to the contrary.

I tend to believe that if there had been any evidence that the horses were in need of rescue, due to their condition, that any number of individuals would have contacted the authorities. Like the new buyers, anyone visiting the property, etc. This is not about that. Despite representations to the contrary, rescues do not designate what is or is not a rescue. They have no authority to do so. Clearly it is can be self-serving, and I’ve personally seen evidence of that. Today a rescue, tomorrow back to the show ring with a bit of buffing up and work.

Whether or not she should have all of her horses back is moot; who knows where the others are? My point in starting this thread is pretty simple- I do not think that this was handled legally and completely above board. I do not think that anyone should be treated this way. It happens to be my breed of horses, but it could be anyone. Yes, there are some horrible abuse cases out there. This is not that.