Who is Julie?
One of the lovely ladies on here who is trying her best to make the rescue look like it did something unethical.
Doxxing people who are members of COTH is very much against the rules and frowned on.
Then the same rule should apply to her . I came on here to offer additional information on this situation. Instead I have been slandered and so has the rescue. All because the information doesn’t fit into 2 people on this threads narrative.
Kr says that the new owner had permission from the court to take them to the new location and that a $20/day fee was owed per horse. That sounds reasonable enough.
It would if it were true. There is nothing in the legal documents on file with the Tompkins County Clerk that gave the new owner permission by the Court to remove the horse or indicated $20/day was to be paid per horse.
You indicate you’ve seen the court documents, however, the Court documents indicate the eviction remained pending into mid-August. The horses were not removed until late August.
There are two foals missing. ON the date of their removal, there were 6 mares with foals at their side.
A witness at the sale indicates that she witnessed the mares and foals being removed from the stock trailer and one of the foals was either already deceased or died shortly thereafter from being trampled on.
Then there is the one that no one seems to know the whereabouts of. Only 4 mares with foals went through the sale.
I can’t see a rib on any of the mares in the pictures posted. Maybe my eyes are too tired from a busy day online working, but I’ve seen mares drop more weight when nursing a foal if not carefully monitored.
For that muddy nastiness I saw in the videos?
That’s insane.
And she only “found” them the day before the sale contrary to what has been stated above.
There wouldn’t be. There would be a ruling that says the person is a squatter and to be evicted.
The rest would result from the rules on how to deal with abandoned property. For a judge you seem woefully ignorant.
That is not believable and seems contradicted by the FB record. This person is taking you for a ride. Wake up.
General post: what is your connection, people defending this? The mares are fine, if thinnish, pre-May but there isn’t a picture post-May of any of the mares except one in August that is horrible, and the foals are skinny in most photos.
I can sort of understand a mare who is thin with a thriving foal, but that is not happening in those pictures. My broodmares look pregnant, not racing fit. The pic from August shows a thin mare with ALL ribs showing, and a thin foal who is ribby. Not acceptable. Why defend this?
Also, if those are the GOOD pics? WHY?
So the horse owner promoted the rescue on her FB page, praised the people who bid on her horses at auction, and then once the horses went down to Tennessee, she started to demand they get given back to her?
Do you have any idea where the rest of the horses went? Were they placed in private sales by the man who removed them, or were they shipped to slaughter? Or does Sharon still have them?
I agree that whatever the bloodlines, as with similar situations the horses are not worth that much as is. I’ve watched disasters unfold with other niche breeds, like Arabians and Andalusians, and even if these are breeds that can be expensive, the fallen through the cracks horses don’t retain market value.
It’s hard to answer when it’s unclear what pictures you’re referring to.
Mostly, for me, I’m concerned with the lack of procedure on the part of authorities.
For example, the horses were removed by whom, under what legal ground and put in the care, custody, and control of whom, why that guy/ what are the credentials of that person?
Which may put the validity of the whole “take the horses to the sale” thing into question.
I’m still wondering where the other 21 are? if you are of the opinion that the removal was legal, you must also believe that the horses were to be sold to cure the debt. Whatever proceeds (if any) that exceeded the alleged debt would need to be returned to the owner. The fact that the owner doesn’t have them, and they haven’t been sold at public sale (that we know of) is problematic.
The rescue denies that anyone who was “boots on the ground” received any of the horses for their work, but they aren’t saying that they actually appeared at the sale, either. The horses were not “rescues” as those are defined. Lots of loose ends here.
I am only aware of 4 babies at the sale. One mare had already had her baby weaned and it was my understanding someone wanted that baby. Another mare w a foal also was homed prior to the auction. I was told he had homed sever before the auction. I know of no deaths of any foal. I know one foal was injured and received stitches at his farm but did not die. I merely tried to help the ones at the auction. I don’t have much info on the ones not there
No loose ends. You are trying to create drama. The horses we acquired are in foster homes. It’s none of your business as to where they are or who they are with. It is not pertinent to your original post for help for this lady. She knows who has the other horses and also knows the farm they are on. Why are you not trying to help her get those back? They are the ones not in a secure situation. The ones I have are safe
I am thrilled that they are safe- I really am.
You have avoided actually answering a number of questions on here, and have made representations that others know to be untrue. That’s unfortunate, but not surprising.
Yes. But given the information that has surfaced and the condition of the horses they will not be returned. Many good people came together to help these horse and by doing so they entrusted me to make the best decisions for the future of these horses. I have explained that to the owner. I am sorry that there are people on here that want to discredit what we did which I find shameful. If no one did anything these horses would be lost forever .
I had no knowledge until 2 days before the sale they would go to auction. I did not know who was being sold til the day of the auction.
I had no relationship w the man that had them or the new owner of the property.
I saw the post of the auction on Facebook and the owner called me later to tell me her horses were going thru. She tried to file a theft charge and they would not do so. I did not know about all the legal stuff til this point.
You two on here can try your best to make out to be a villain but where were you when these horses went to auction. Why didn’t you buy them for her since you believe she has been so wronged.
I rescue hundreds of horses every year and do so bc I care about this breed. I am sorry this happened but totally owner failure and irresponsibility.