Because she posted a video on Facebook of her w her grandchild at the property screaming at the man. She states these are her horses on his property. Wow. Do your homework
I have no question that their care and handling after leaving the farm was problematic. You yourself stated that there are mares that are traumatized. If your rescue had stepped in, and offered to take the horses earlier on, perhaps that would not have happened. They didn’t have to go to the sale, and they may not have had to leave the farm.
And let me add if you do your homework you would find that she has unpaid bills all across ky and other states for stud fees, training fees,etc.
I had no say in who went to that sale. I saw who was there the night of the sale just like everyone else. I have no knowledge of any horse or foals that died. Stop making up your own storyline
I’m not- upthread, Foxy Fizz pointed out that there is a person who was actually “feet on the ground” at the sale who apparently is willing to testify to the fact that the foal had been trampled, and could not be saved. Aren’t you a teacher? Read for comprehension.
Because I don’t know where they are currently. She knew where they all were before the auction
That is absolutely not true. No foal was trampled. All 4 foals are skinny but unscathed. Stop spreading false statements. 17 horses were at that auction and all went thru the sale…alive
So where are the other 20+?
And there was no “agent” lol
We do not know. We helped those that went thru the auction. We have tried to locate them to negotiate buying them, but as you can see by this thread others have complicated this from happening as has the owner who originally had them.
You were there, bidding for yourself?
I do not feel the guy is the reason the horses are thin. I was told the owner stopped caring for them after eviction. In May. I’m not clear who was taking care of them.during this time
During what time?
If the “guy” had them boarded, then care, custody and control suggest their condition while/after in his care is on him.
If they were neglected by her over the 30 days after she was evicted, he had months (August to Oct) to (begin to) remedy that.
Further if I was boarding neglected horses, damn straight I would document their condition upon arrival and after in my care.
I thought he got the horses in late August and sold in mid October. So about 6 weeks. There’s a limit what you can do with starved horses in 6 weeks. The brood mares look underweight in the FB photos posted by the owner.
So using the information above I was easily able to find Sharon Nelsons FB page. I did not find the video of her yelling at anyone but I did find one of her and a child walking the fence line of a feedlot or mud pit or turnout area trying to name the various horses there, saying they were stolen.
The horses were eating hay and in decent shape.
She also encourages people to donate to the rescue that is buying her horses at auction and says bless you everyone who is bidding.
She also says she is a tenant evicted.
There is no recent horse content.
So I think this is a complicated relationship with the rescue. She doesn’t seem to be blaming them.
I think I saw the figure of 30 horses total mentioned there.
He did not take them til August. Supposedly her boyfriend was suppose to be caring for them but neither were on the property. These are questions I have and don’t have answers. Despite being accused of colluding by Julie I do not know any of the people involved other than the owner.
The rescue was not at odds with her. It only became fractured when things started coming out about evictions, etc. She was not honest w us. If she had been upfront there could have been some ways to help. Once they went to auction and the court documents became available we focused on helping the horses get to safety. She is angry bc she feels we should give them back to her. We cannot do that in light of the circumstances.
The horses definitely look underweight, although I know it’s harder to judge that with a mare who has recently given birth and a foal. But I can see if they were teetering on the brink how, from the condition posted, they could easily go south if not supported with proper nutrition, especially after the stress of given birth.
What was the purpose of the breeding? Was it a breeding program? Were they selling the horses.
I know some breeders who aren’t “backyard” and do research bloodlines but who never seem to sell the horses and keep breeding.
Well that is the other issue…the babies were not registered and the mares were turned out with stallions. Totally irresponsible when you don’t have a place to keep them and you owe for past training bills and stud fees.