Western New York Equine Lawyer?

Absolutely. As an example, if a rescue takes in a horse, and then a member of the BOD ends up with that horse, and for example shows the horse in their name, I would expect that would probably be a dicey proposition. I’ve heard of that happening with different entities. The Board Member is profiting unless they pay the rescue a reasonable value for the horse, I would expect. This stuff can be pretty confusing. That’s why I am a huge fan of transparency. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to have the IRS take a look, just to be sure that the 501©3 is being used legally.

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I have every right to have an attorney and she is fully aware of prior issues involving 2 posters on here. I have worked hard to run this rescue correctly seeing how so many others failed miserably and got into many legal squabbles with donors, fosters,and others(Team American Saddlebred to name one)

And I have had saddlebreds long before I ever had a rescue. There is no law that I cannot own personal horses and how dare you involve my daughter. She is married and owns her own business and is married to someone who is involved in the horse industry as is his family. They certainly can own horses of their own.

Questioning my ethics or honesty is absurd and again just should alert others of your real agenda. Try following the rescue and see what we do before passing judgement. We help more saddlebreds than any other rescue.

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If as is alleged here, the rescue is buying horses using donated money but putting the horses in the names of family and friends, that is a huge red flag.

However, those family and friends are certainly free to bid and buy with their own cash at any auction.

If family and friends are using rescue resources to subsidize their personal horses, that’s also a huge red flag. Like boarding your horses at the rescue without paying fair market rate for board.

I’m gathering there are possible legitimate concerns about how the rescue runs too

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Keep buying into their craziness. Maybe you need to check into the person instigating this propaganda.

I think being transparent is going to win you more credibility here than being defensive. Going defensive and talking lawyer does not intimidate us on a chat group, but does raise red flags.

In order to actually sue someone for libel or slander you first have to prove that what they have said is not true. That’s often a large undertaking.

As far as following your rescue in FB, we all know that we don’t take anything shown on SM as the unvarnished truth.

Here on COTH we get to hear about a lot of sketchy rescues.


Oh I’m saying at this point in the train wreck I don’t trust any of the players and if I was an equine lawyer I would run away from this case.

I don’t find it that odd if a rescue buys a horse at auction (as was done here), then adopts the horse to connections (in which the title then transfers). I don’t think there is a requirement that the adoption fee be any particular amount related to value. At least in OTTB adoption orgs, the adoption fees are lower than they would be from a TB reseller for many of the horses.

Any of these horses is going to take a fair bit of investment to get show-ring ready, that’s for sure. That training can be life-changing for the horse involved…I think it was Denny Emerson who said the single best thing you can do to ensure a good future for a horse is to train it well.

I used to do that with OTTBs and I don’t think I ever actually MADE money, because after you buy a horse for $500 or whatever, then train and compete it for 2-3 years, if you sell it for $10-15k you still don’t break even.

Also, it isn’t that easy to find a place to stash 20 auction horses. I am sure Kr relies on connections at times for space. I won’t accept auction horses here because I don’t have a quarantine facility.

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I am transparent and that’s why my rescue is successful and I am supported by so many people. I came to this thread to offer up information about this situation with the lady and her horses. You all have allowed someone who obviously does not like me or my rescue to veer you away from the original post. A person I have never met nor has she ever been to my rescue. Maybe ask yourself what her issue is…

I for one am done. I have 30 horses to take care of and have 10 I just adopted that I must arrange transport on. Enjoy the conspiracy theories bc that’s what they are. People can’t accept that there are truly selfless people in this world just trying to do something good. Very sad.

My entire family is made up of lawyers and judges…I don’t need a lesson on law. But thx

Wow. The double barrel flounce. We’ll see if it sticks.


She doesn’t understand our flounce, I don’t think.


How do you differentiate between rescuing them from slaughter, and outbidding a kill buyer at an auction? That seems like a pretty fine line.

I would certainly be interested to hear more about the exact chain of events regarding how the horses were removed from the property, and by whom, and under what legal authority. That’s the part that sounds very questionable to me.

I don’t know any of the parties involved, but I would certainly be concerned if somebody can just stroll on to a property and remove the horses without legal authorization, and then face no repercussions.

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It’s my understanding it was not actually her farm thus not her foreclosure.
Do you know differently?

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I read Scribbler’s post about 5 times to figure out WTH you’re talking about concerning your daughter and still can’t find anything referencing anyone by the term daughter. Colour me confused…


Indeed, I’m still unclear what that $4500 was for, who required it, etc

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That was me- I mentioned the registration for the horses at Dreamscape, Inc. Some have the poster on here as owner with the rescue. I also mentioned that there were some that came in, were registered to Dreamscape, Inc, and then were transferred to her daughter, and her in laws. Those are just facts.

ETA- this was in response to someone asking if the New York horses were registered to the rescue.


There is or was an Arab rescue in NJ who got dinged by the state for that… Blending personal and rescue funds.
This particular rescue is near me and has done some other utterly shady sh…tuff.

Thank you! Kr commenting in response to Scribbler’s post with that comment had me befuddled.

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According to the court documents, it was for rent. “Agreed upon/contended rent of $750 back to May would be $3000 w/o security deposit. Atty Smith states his client will be able to put up $4500 which would give payment through September 1 but there are also issues of damage.
STAY continued. Court encourages the parties to come to a resolution. $4,500 in escrow within 10 days or to the Clerk’s Office.” (CI2022-14814)


General question for the NYS legal folks - what law, specifically, requires a landlord to hold property for 30 days? I haven’t been able to find it, though I’ve found quite a few legal sites that state that NYS does not have a specific law requiring landlords to store property for 30 days (though one site did mention that there is a law requiring landlords to store equipment for commercial leases, but that site didn’t reference the actual law, either). Most of the sites do say that it’s wise to give evicted tenants “reasonable” notice.

I know it’s a bit of a tangent and I’m only asking because I would like to more fully understand what’s going on, but does anyone know the actual code that requires notice? (Not the stableman’s lien law, the law that requires landlords to store property for 30 days.)