Thought I’d start a controversial thread just because I haven’t had enough wine and popcorn but need an excuse.
I have what may be known as the laziest horse in the entire world. Everything checks out, he’s fine, but his default is sllllooooooowwww. He does a jog without it being “trained into him” and his lope gets slower the more I lope him. When I let him truly have his head and push him forward so that I get him moving well from behind? It drops so that he’s seeking out the ground. Maybe not the ground, but his poll is level to below level.
So, while I get that there are evil trainers OMG, my horse just seems to be a natural. Even when I take him outside of the ring, and trail ride, he is just… slow…
He’s not balky though, he goes where you want him to go…you just get there really slow.