Ok, I purchased a horse, well saved a horse at the auction. He was saddled, but not ridden as the owner said the girth broke when he tightened it. He left the saddle on to show he would take a saddle.
Well I was told that he was used as a cow horse, roping, rounding up cows in a large pasture etc. I just wanted him away from there so I took him home.
So using a western saddle and bridle I got on him today, he throws his head up and hasn’t a clue what neck reining is or what direct reining is. (figures) Anyway, he is fine to get on, but when riding he acts like a newly broken green horse. I have broke horses for 20 years and they are better than this. Which makes me believe he isn’t a roping or cow horse.
So my question is could it be that he hates bits? I used a standard western curb (exactly like this one - http://www.horses-and-horse-information.com/images/curb_bit.gif) and then switched to an english jointed hollow mouth eggbutt bit. He was better with the eggbutt, but still didn’t like it. The vet has looked at his teeth and they are fine.
Should I go purchase a hackamore? I am wondering if he was ridden in a hackamore and maybe that is the problem. I am not keen on western training which is why I am asking about what to do.
Obviously the man who sold him was a dealer and more than likely had no clue what he was talking about. I am thinking he was full of horse manure at this point :lol:
Oh he is 13 years old and a Mustang (not blm). As a jumper and dressage rider he is a bit different then what I am used to. I honestly hate riding western :lol: And he is so wide backed and round my english saddles do not fit him.
I honestly believe that even if he was a cow/roping horse he wouldn’t act like this even if he didn’t like the bit.
I welcome your ideas.