OK, so long as we’re talking about it!
I have ridden in a western saddle only a few times in my life. I found them really big and bulky and I couldn’t really feel the horse with my legs. (Admittedly, they were probably waaay too big for me, and who knows what type of saddle they were)…but I hated them.
I know there are different types of western saddles, and probably different styles within each type…and then different construction based on the shape of your horse (I think).
What type of western saddle would you recommend for someone that rides English but might like to try Western Dressage? I would want one that gave maximum feel between me and the horse, and I won’t be roping, sliding, cutting, or spinning in it.
My trainer rides western, so I am obviously going to talk to her about this as well. But, being the dead of winter…I’m just looking online for ideas until we can think about riding again. (I keep my horses at home, and generally take the winter off.)